🗳️ European Parliament elections
North West region
This election was held on Thursday 23 May 2019.
European Parliament election results
61 candidates stood in the North West region.
Ballot Papers Issued | 33 |
Spoilt Ballots | 9,951 |

Show 8 candidates
1. Sajjad Karim
2. Kevin Beaty
3. Jane Howard
5. Wendy Maisey
6. Tom Lord

Show 2 candidates

Show 8 candidates
1. Gina Dowding
🌟 Elected
2. Wendy Olsen
3. Jess Northey
5. Rosie Mills
7. Dan Jerrome
8. James Booth

Show 8 candidates
1. Theresa Griffin
🌟 Elected
2. Julie Ward
🌟 Elected
3. Wajid Khan
4. Erica Lewis
7. Saf Ismail

Show 8 candidates
1. Chris Davies
🌟 Elected
2. Jane Brophy
🌟 Elected

Show 8 candidates
1. Claire Fox
🌟 Elected
2. Henrik Eyser Overgaard Nielsen
🌟 Elected
3. David Bull
🌟 Elected
5. Ajay Jagota

Show 8 candidates
2. Dan Price
Show 1 candidates

Show 8 candidates
3. Fiona Mills
6. Ben Fryer
8. Alan Craig
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