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UK Parliamentary general election

Edinburgh South constituency

This election was held on Thursday 4 July 2024.

There are 650 constituencies in the UK, and each elects one Member of Parliament (MP). Learn more about MPs on the UK Parliament website.

A new set of constituency boundaries will be used for the 2024 UK general election. This means that your constituency may have changed. Learn more about the 2024 boundary changes.

10 candidates stood in the Edinburgh South constituency.

Electorate 70,838
Ballot Papers Issued 46,951
Spoilt Ballots 125
Turnout 66%


Edinburgh South is a constituency of the House of Commons of the UK Parliament created in 1885. The constituency has been held by Scottish Labour since 1987. The seat has been represented since 2010 by Ian Murray, who currently serves as Secretary of State for Scotland under the government of Keir Starmer. Murray was the only Labour MP in Scotland to retain his seat at the 2015 and 2019 general elections and this is one of only three seats and the only seat of the so-called "tartan wall" never held by the Scottish National Party (SNP).

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