This party is on the Northern Ireland register.
Ballot descriptions
This party may appear on the ballot paper as "Green Party", or any of the following names:
- Green Party | Pairti Glas
- The Green Party in N.I. | An Pairti Glas I dT.E.
- Green Party Northern Ireland
- Comhontas Glas / The Green Party
- Green Party - Comhaontas Glas
Previous Descriptions
These descriptions are no longer registered with the Electoral Commission and cannot be used:
- Comhaontas Glas | Green Alliance
- European Green Party | Pairti Glas Eorpach
- Ecology Party | Pairti Eiceolatochta
- An Comhaontas Glas | The Green Alliance
- The Ecology Party | An Pairti Eiceolatochta
- The Environmental Party | An Pairti Chomhshaoil
- Environmental Party | Pairti Chomhshaoil