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Mark lan Bancks

Mark lan Bancks was a Conservative and Unionist Party candidate in Sale Central in the Trafford local election. They received 713 votes.

profile photo of Mark lan Bancks

Mark lan Bancks's policies

Statement to voters

As I reflect on the election of 2023, my words remain unchanged, and regrettably, so does the situation.

Full statement

The issues I highlighted persist, unaddressed by the current administration. Despite Labour's tenure for 6 years running Trafford, our area has seen no improvement - deterioration continues unabated.

A perfect example is the fate of the care home on Broad Road. Acquired by Trafford, the establishment was promptly shut down, its residents displaced. Subsequent renovations, funded by the taxpayers, have yet to serve any community purpose, as the building stands idle and boarded up.

While I could speculate about its eventual use, I prefer to observe and report on the actions of Trafford Labour. Their stewardship, or lack thereof, directly affects us all. I have and will continue to hold them accountable for their conduct while in office, as they are elected to represent us, the people of Trafford. They have however awarded themselves a 40% pay rise and increased council tax with nothing to show for it but a few sun loungers in Stretford.

Below is my statement from the election is 2023. I have not changed one word. It is all still correct and as you can see all the problems stated below still exist - Labour have had many votes in the council chamber, block voted to pass them all but still we see no change. I would like to change this and I'm sure you would too.

Here is last years statement - Let's change things around here! ----> I was born and have always lived in Sale. I run my own business and started my family in Sale. I was taught in the local schools, Brooklands Primary and Sale Grammar. I’ve seen many aspects of life in Sale deteriorate over recent years – increased stress and worry for local families as there are insufficient places in our local schools.

I do not support the astronomical council tax hikes at a time when we’ve experienced council-run services decline – and passionately believe that we can turn the tide and improve our local area for everyone’s benefit.

Trafford needs a change in the balance of power – Labour has an outright majority in Trafford and are ignoring the other elected councillors and the public while delivering a mediocre service.

I will work with other councillors to support keeping council tax low, investing in Trafford’s economy and cutting council waste. Remove the rented cones lining the A56 costing eight thousand pounds per month!

I will fight to stop Greater Manchester PfE plans to build industrial warehousing and offices on green belt land such as Carrington Moss which will in turn cause further congestion in Sale. I will focus on protecting the Greenbelt and promoting the natural environment that surrounds our area, whilst focusing on direct action by increasing our recycling rates which are now at rock bottom, promoting reuse and making recycling easier working with our schools and businesses.

I will support a planning system that works for all - Plans that don’t focus on building on our precious Greenbelt but work to ensure local voices are heard in the decision-making and making sure developers deliver community infrastructure alongside any plans.

I will support Investment in maintenance of our roads and pavements addressing the basic tasks such as clearing the drains regularly. Invest in road safety schemes near schools and parks.

I will fight for investment in our Children and Families like a new school that will see local children able to attend a local secondary school without the need to travel miles.

I will campaign for and work towards safer streets for you and your family, making sure we see our fair share of bobbies on the beat in Sale by working closely with the chief constable to cut crime and see local direct action on hotspots like Sale Metro Station.

I will listen to YOU! Bring back the pride and enjoyment of living and working in Sale!

This statement was last updated on April 30, 2024.

This statement was added by Mark lan Bancks, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Mark lan Bancks online

About Mark lan Bancks

Favourite Biscuit


Trafford Conservatives

Mark lan Bancks's local party is Trafford Conservatives.

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Trafford Conservatives's website
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Youtube page
Trafford Conservatives's Youtube profile

Mark lan Bancks's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Sale Central: Trafford local election Conservative and Unionist Party 713 votes (not elected) 2nd / 4 candidates
2023 Sale Central: Trafford local election Conservative and Unionist Party 674 votes (not elected) 4th / 10 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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