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Sebastian Purbrick

Sebastian Purbrick was a Labour Party candidate in Heathlands in the Woking local election. They received 181 votes.

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Sebastian Purbrick's policies

Statement to voters

I am standing as a Labour candidate in Hoe Valley, as I believe passionately in making a difference, through better community support, engagement and transparency in how decisions are made.

Full statement

We need to help local people, partner with our small businesses and grow the local economy in way that works for everyone, not just the few. I want us to provide great local services, build a town and a community that benefits everyone, but also makes appropriate and meaningful decisions with council spending; these are the things that can make a difference.

Woking Council has found itself in a dire position, the Conservatives don’t want to be held accountable and take responsibility, they aren’t willing to be part of the solution, and instead will look to attack and criticise others. The Liberal Democrats cannot be allowed to repeat the mistakes of the previous administration, we need Labour representation to ensure the right decisions are being made.

I want a Council and Councilors that work together, that provide a plan for the future to pay down the debt, but in a way that doesn’t hurt those most in need. We need to stop making private companies and their directors rich off the back of contracts, but instead create wealth in community assets for residents now and later generations.

I have lived in Woking since 2016 and I work in the private sector for a professional services firm. If elected, I would look to bring the skills and experience I have gained over my professional career to Council businesses and operations. I have learned what a great place Woking is and the huge potential the area has, by electing me, I want to us to realise that potential and all be part of a thriving community.

This statement was added by Sebastian Purbrick, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Sebastian Purbrick online

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Woking Labour

Sebastian Purbrick's local party is Woking Labour.

Party Homepage
Woking Labour's website
Woking Labour's email
Youtube page
Woking Labour's Youtube profile

Sebastian Purbrick's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Heathlands: Woking local election Labour Party 181 votes (not elected) 4th / 6 candidates
2023 Hoe Valley: Woking local election Labour Party 199 votes (not elected) 3rd / 4 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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