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Claire Arnold

Claire Arnold is a Labour Party candidate in Louth North in the Lincolnshire local election.

profile photo of Claire Arnold

Claire Arnold's policies

Statement to voters

As part of a strong group of Labour councillors Claire has worked hard for local residents since first being elected to East Lindsey District Council in 2019.

Full statement

Her time as Deputy Labour Group Leader has given her further insight of how to effectively stand up for local people.

Her prime motive for standing at this election is to give local people more of a say in how the county is run as opposed to the current remote and unaccountable way the tory administration have been doing things for many years.

The county division of Louth North for which she is standing has a complex set of needs due to it having both a highly urban centre alongside the rurality of the villages. Recent personal history has seen Claire living and working in both environments which gives her a unique understanding of the area.

Blending her personal background and her council experiences is going to be a great asset to the residents of Louth North Division going forward. Claire’s main hopes for the future are that rural areas can maintain their uniqueness and importance whilst maintaining good county council support where required, and that the town of Louth can maintain its reputation as one of the finest market towns in the country.

Improvements to how the county council runs services for education, transport, childrens needs, public transport and services for older and more vulnerable residents are all vital to achieving those goals.

This statement was added by Claire Arnold, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Claire Arnold online

Lincolnshire Labour Party

Claire Arnold's local party is the Lincolnshire Labour Party.


Claire Arnold's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2025 Louth North: Lincolnshire local election Labour Party (Results due after 01 May 2025) Position not available
2023 Mablethorpe: East Lindsey local election Labour Party 909 votes (elected) 2nd / 5 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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