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David Denny-Stubbs

David Denny-Stubbs is a Conservative and Unionist Party candidate in Bedwell in the Hertfordshire local election.

profile photo of David Denny-Stubbs

David Denny-Stubbs's policies

Statement to voters

I am committed to creating a safer, cleaner, and more supportive community for everyone.

Full statement

Tackling crime, antisocial behaviour, and fly-tipping is at the heart of my vision for a better Bedwell.

By working closely with the police service, community organisations, and local residents, I can address these issues effectively and foster a sense of pride and security in our area.

One of my key approaches is adopting the "Broken Window Theory." This proven strategy focuses on addressing small issues before they escalate into more significant problems. By promptly tackling graffiti, repairing vandalised property, and addressing minor criminal activities, we send a clear message that disorder will not be tolerated. This not only discourages further antisocial behaviour but also encourages community members to take greater responsibility for their surroundings. A well-maintained and orderly environment instils a sense of pride, reduces fear of crime, and improves the overall quality of life for all residents.

In addition to preventative measures, I am dedicated to helping those in need, especially when they are most vulnerable. Whether it is supporting individuals struggling with addiction, providing guidance to young people at risk of falling into criminal behaviour, or assisting families facing financial hardship, I will work tirelessly to offer resources and services that address the root causes of crime and antisocial behaviour.

Collaboration with social services, charities, and other community partners will ensure that no one is left behind.

I understand that fly-tipping blights our environment and affects the community's morale. By increasing surveillance, imposing stricter penalties for offenders, and promoting accessible waste disposal options, I aim to deter this practice. Educating residents about the environmental impact of fly-tipping and encouraging civic responsibility will also be pivotal in keeping Bedwell clean and green.

By combining enforcement, prevention, and compassion, we can create a community where everyone feels safe, valued, and supported. Together with the police service and local stakeholders, I will take meaningful action to tackle crime, antisocial behaviour, and fly-tipping, while providing a helping hand to those in need.

This comprehensive approach will lay the foundation for a stronger, more resilient Bedwell, where everyone can thrive.

This statement was added by David Denny-Stubbs, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

David Denny-Stubbs online

Hertfordshire County Council Conservative Group

David Denny-Stubbs's local party is Hertfordshire County Council Conservative Group .

Party Homepage
Hertfordshire County Council Conservative Group 's website
Hertfordshire County Council Conservative Group 's email
Contact page
Hertfordshire County Council Conservative Group 's contact page

David Denny-Stubbs's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2025 Bedwell: Hertfordshire local election Conservative and Unionist Party (Results due after 01 May 2025) Position not available
2024 Bandley Hill & Poplars: Stevenage local election Conservative and Unionist Party 530 votes (not elected) 4th / 12 candidates
2023 Bandley Hill: Stevenage local election Conservative and Unionist Party 543 votes (not elected) 2nd / 5 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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