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Sean Gough

Sean Gough was a Green Party candidate in University in the Norwich local election. They received 487 votes.

profile photo of Sean Gough

Sean Gough's policies

Statement to voters

Sean lives in University Ward, where he also works as a writer about technology.

Full statement

He believes there is much more Norwich could be doing to create a more sustainable and fairer community and is keen to see change.

Sean is actively involved in various local environmental and community projects. He is a member of the Sustainable Living Initiative in University Ward, which provides allotment space for people wanting to grow their own food. He has been a voluntary English teacher for refugees and asylum seekers coming to Norwich at English+ for about 4 years. He is also a trustee of Globally Onward, which helps professionally qualified migrants into work and is a board member for Norwich Community Solar.

Before moving to Norwich in 2017 he was chairman of his community’s Neighbourhood Plan steering group and was elected as a Parish Councillor. In the arts, he was founder and chairman of a community cinema group. He has also been a Prince’s Trust mentor.

This statement was added by Sean Gough, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Sean Gough online

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Norwich Green Party

Sean Gough's local party is the Norwich Green Party.

Party Homepage
Norwich Green Party's website
Norwich Green Party's email
Youtube page
Norwich Green Party's Youtube profile

Sean Gough's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 University: Norwich local election Green Party 487 votes (not elected) 3rd / 4 candidates
2023 University: Norwich local election Green Party 492 votes (not elected) 3rd / 4 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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