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Adam Holst

Adam Holst was a Labour Party candidate in Wolston and the Lawfords in the Rugby local election. They received 720 votes.

profile photo of Adam Holst

Adam Holst's policies

Statement to voters

I have lived in Long Lawford for 12 years.

Full statement

I am standing to be your Councillor as I want to help both my immediate community as well as the wider town. I have seen how the Labour group on the Local Council have challenged the Conservatives in recent years and I really want to be part of shaping what I hope will be a more ambitious future for the Borough for all of us; for our children, our grandchildren and our neighbours.

Why I am standing to be a Councillor – a little about me...

I am a proud lifelong resident of Rugby dedicated to my community. Together alongside my wife, we run an independent family business teaching performing arts to local youth for over 10 years. Through this endeavour, we have touched the lives of countless young individuals from diverse backgrounds, providing unwavering support to those facing unique challenges and special educational needs. We bought our family home in Long Lawford back in 2012, I value family, hard work, and community spirit. As a devoted father, husband, and mental health advocate, I aim to unite people and bring about positive change.

I am passionate about supporting our community, especially our vulnerable residents. Everyone deserves to feel valued and supported. It's disheartening to see the struggles in our town and the lack of essential healthcare services, this must change. As a passionate Labour Party member, I am wholeheartedly dedicated to improving Wolston and the Lawfords. My priorities include addressing crime and antisocial behaviour, maintaining safe streets, preserving the green belt, and protecting against flooding in my ward. I am dedicated to fighting for better healthcare services, childcare provision, and safety in our community. I want to make life in our ward better, easier, and safer for all residents.

What I bring to the table...

Rugby Labour’s manifesto commits to a vision for the next decade in Rugby where we can see the town and its villages really flourish in terms of how we take pride in our town and improve the quality of our day-to-day lives.

1. Better Rugby Borough Council must do better in serving its residents. Over the past 14 years, we have lost a staggering £19.8 million because the council failed to enforce developer charges meant to enhance our community through the community infrastructure levy (CIL). This levy should have been in place since 2010, ensuring that developers contribute towards local infrastructure such as healthcare, schools, and roads.

Sadly, our council has turned a blind eye, allowing developers to skip out on their responsibilities for over a decade. This negligence has deprived our town of crucial funds needed to improve our local services. Shockingly, Rugby is now virtually the only Council in the country without a CIL in place. Even more disappointingly, the local Conservatives are now trying to boast about introducing the charge this year and trying to claim credit for it!

To make matters worse, the council is facing significant challenges, with a whopping £5.4 million deficit in its budget plans and a staggering 40% turnover in staff over the last two years alone. Rugby deserves better. It's time for our council to be accountable, transparent, and committed to ensuring the well-being of our community.

As a parent, small business owner, and local community member, I empathize with the daily challenges residents encounter. With a focus on transparent financial management, I promise to leverage my expertise to ensure Rugby Borough Council serves you efficiently. Let's unite for a more accountable and financially sound council that upholds integrity and serves you better!

2. Greener I believe we have a huge responsibility to look after our environment. Rugby Labour has committed to identifying the best Green policies from other Councils and replicating them in Rugby (real value-for-money policies that can make a difference). By comparison, the Conservatives in the Town Hall have increased the cost of Green Bins in Rugby by 20% this coming year!

As a lifelong resident of Rugby, I am dedicated to creating a greener community. I pledge to champion sustainable policies, advocate for affordable green solutions, and prioritise environmental sustainability.

3. Fairer Did you know that almost one in five children in Rugby currently live in poverty? I want to be part of an administration that looks to enrich the whole of society. From leading the calls for local community supermarkets to developing an effective economic development policy for the Borough that brings genuine skills and training leading to decent quality jobs Rugby Labour is trying to make a difference.

I am determined to enhance the lives of all residents in Wolston and the Lawfords, our wonderful home. With fresh ideas and a strong vision, I will work tirelessly to improve resources, create opportunities, and build a stronger community spirit.

With your support, I will do everything in my power to ensure that all members of our community feel heard, cared for, and empowered to thrive.

On election day, please vote for me to be your voice for positive change. Together, we can make a difference.

VOTE ADAM HOLST for Wolston and the Lawfords 🗳️🌹

Adam Holst Labour Candidate for Wolston & the Lawfords

This statement was last updated on April 22, 2024.

This statement was added by Adam Holst, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Adam Holst online

The party's candidate page for this person

Rugby Labour

Adam Holst's local party is Rugby Labour.

Party Homepage
Rugby Labour's website
Rugby Labour's email
Youtube page
Rugby Labour's Youtube profile

Adam Holst's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Wolston and the Lawfords: Rugby local election Labour Party 720 votes (not elected) 2nd / 5 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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