Bobby Johnstone
Bobby Johnstone is a Labour Party candidate in Pittville & St Paul's in the Gloucestershire local election.

Bobby Johnstone's policies
Statement to voters
Growing up I never felt that politics had a place for someone like myself, someone who was undiagnosed with various disabilities and was labelled a problem child at school.
Full statement
Seeing others like yourself aspiring and achieving things in life you might have otherwise deemed impossible, is how you create change.
I would love to be the change that inspires the next generation of people like me, to show them that they are not a problem, and are valued and important members of our community.
Having lived down the road in Innsworth, I moved to Cheltenham in 2019 to study at the University and have called the St Paul’s area my home ever since. I think it’s about time that we have real representation in local government that reflects our diverse population, whether that be the students who have recently moved here or the locals who have lived here their entire lives. I can champion your voice.
This statement was last updated on April 9, 2024.
This statement was added by Bobby Johnstone, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.
Bobby Johnstone online
- bobbyjohnstonelab
About Bobby Johnstone
Favourite Biscuit
Chocolate Chip Cookie
Gloucestershire Labour
Bobby Johnstone's local party is Gloucestershire Labour.
Date | Election | Party | Results | Position |
2025 | Pittville & St Paul's: Gloucestershire local election | Labour Party | (Results due after 01 May 2025) | Position not available |
2024 | St Paul's: Cheltenham local election | Labour Party | 228 votes (not elected) | 5th / 10 candidates |
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