Peter Hugh Butterworth
Peter Hugh Butterworth was a Green Party candidate in Brockham, Betchworth, Buckland, Box Hill & Headley in the Mole Valley local election. They received 245 votes.

Peter Hugh Butterworth's policies
Statement to voters
Your GREEN PARTY candidate for Mole Valley District Council to represent Brockham, Betchworth, Buckland, Box Hill & Headley is Peter Butterworth How Green is Mole Valley? Not Green enough? This is your chance to elect a MVDC councillor who will: protect the Green Belt and the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty support a balanced approach to planning and house building that protects local human and environmental interests: we need truly affordable homes for rent or purchase close to services and transport urgently tackle the increasing pollution of the river Mole prioritise action on flooding and traffic management promote local small businesses protect the area from oil drilling and other damaging developments stop proposals for a third runway at Gatwick improve waste management and recycling and stop fly-tipping support local initiatives such as the Brockham Parish Environment Strategy.
Full statement
On the Council I would be the voice of Mole Valley’s rural areas and keep ‘green’ issues at the forefront of policy discussions and decisions.
I lived in Brockham for nine years and both my children went to the primary school. It is a beautiful and rewarding place to live and as a councillor I will fight to protect it for current and future generations. I served in the Royal Navy in the 1980s, then had a career in teaching in comprehensive schools including seven years as a headteacher. I also have experience in fundraising for various charities and currently volunteer with Epsom Refugee network and find time for beekeeping.
This statement was last updated on April 22, 2024.
This statement was added by Peter Hugh Butterworth, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.
Peter Hugh Butterworth online
Mole Valley & Epsom and Ewell Green Party
Peter Hugh Butterworth's local party is the Mole Valley & Epsom and Ewell Green Party.
- Party Homepage Mole Valley & Epsom and Ewell Green Party's website
Date | Election | Party | Results | Position |
2024 | Brockham, Betchworth, Buckland, Box Hill & Headley: Mole Valley local election | Green Party | 245 votes (not elected) | 3rd / 4 candidates |
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