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Mike Smith

Mike Smith was a Labour Party candidate in Lowton East in the Wigan local election. They were elected with 2,179 votes.

profile photo of Mike Smith

Mike Smith's policies

Statement to voters

Mike Smith is a regular attendee of the Lowton East Neighbourhood Development Forum.

Full statement

He was a key part of the doorstep team that helped Jenny and Garry become Labour Councillors when they topped the polls at the “all-up” elections last year. Now he is seeking to take the third council seat from the Conservatives.

Mike lives on Bradwell Road with his wife and runs a small central heating business. While working as an engineer for British Gas, Mike was also a shop steward and he is used to supporting and advocating for those who need his help.

“You may recognise me from local community meetings, litter-picks and events - or I may even have serviced your boiler!” says Mike.

“As I approach retirement, if elected I intend to dedicate the time that this role deserves to being a strong voice for Lowton East, serving the community that I love.”

This statement was last updated on April 30, 2024.

This statement was added by Mike Smith, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Mike Smith online

Wigan Labour

Mike Smith's local party is Wigan Labour.

Party Homepage
Wigan Labour's website
Wigan Labour's email
Youtube page
Wigan Labour's Youtube profile

Mike Smith's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Lowton East: Wigan local election Labour Party 2,179 votes (elected) 1st / 2 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

Recent leaflets from Mike Smith

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