Gareth Lloyd
Gareth Lloyd was a Green Party candidate in Holbrook in the Coventry local election. They received 1,234 votes.

Gareth Lloyd's policies
Statement to voters
Gareth Lloyd will stand as the Green Party candidate in the Holbrook ward in the 2024 local election.
Full statement
Gareth says, "Born and bred with the spirit of Coventry at heart, I've spent the majority of my life within this vibrant and historic city which has shaped my identity. It is my belief that true change, impactful and lasting, can only be achieved through a collective, environmentally conscious effort through the Green Party, a political force which possesses the vision and integrity to make a significant difference in our society. My passion for the environment is more than just a political stance; it's a way of life: conserving and nurturing our green spaces as essential components of our ecosystem and heritage. My vision for both Holbrooks and Coventry is of a community which is both fairer and greener. Beyond my interests in politics, I also enjoy: philosophy, cricket and football."
This statement was last updated on April 11, 2024.
This statement was added by Gareth Lloyd, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.
Gareth Lloyd online
- The party's candidate page for this person
Coventry Green Party
Gareth Lloyd's local party is the Coventry Green Party.
- Party Homepage Coventry Green Party's website
- Youtube page Coventry Green Party's Youtube profile
Date | Election | Party | Results | Position |
2024 | Holbrook: Coventry local election | Green Party | 1,234 votes (not elected) | 2nd / 4 candidates |
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