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Harjot Bajaj

Harjot Bajaj was a Conservative and Unionist Party candidate in Headington in the Oxford local election. They received 67 votes.

profile photo of Harjot Bajaj

Harjot Bajaj's policies

Statement to voters

I am a NHS doctor focused on newborn care.

Full statement

Now, I would like to stand and serve as a dedicated member of our vibrant community.

I aim to be your councillor who truly listens to and collaborates with you, to address the challenges we face. Together, we can achieve meaningful improvements.

My Plan :

1. Supporting Local Business- Promoting an environment that encourages all local businesses to thrive.

2. Housing- Delivering realistic, affordable, quality housing for local residents by targeting brownfield sites and surplus commercial premises.

3. Roads and Traffic- Holding the County Council to account over the introduction of Traffic Filters, expansion of the ZEZ and Workplace Parking Levy.

4. Better Value for Money- Delivering practical projects to promote a healthier, more attractive city.

This statement was last updated on April 27, 2024.

This statement was added by Harjot Bajaj, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Harjot Bajaj online

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Oxfordshire Conservatives

Harjot Bajaj's local party is Oxfordshire Conservatives.

Party Homepage
Oxfordshire Conservatives's website
Oxfordshire Conservatives's email
Youtube page
Oxfordshire Conservatives's Youtube profile

Harjot Bajaj's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Headington: Oxford local election Conservative and Unionist Party 67 votes (not elected) 5th / 5 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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