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Erin Harvey

Erin Harvey was a Liberal Democrats candidate in Birkdale in the Sefton local election. They received 1,357 votes.

profile photo of Erin Harvey

Erin Harvey's policies

Statement to voters

I care about our town’s future because I live here and am passionate about making it a better to place to live.

Full statement

I helped represent local people when I worked for John Pugh and I have lived and breathed politics and advocacy in my career. I am now ready to take these skills and fight for a better deal for our town.

Our area has so much potential but we have been failed by a Tory MP who hasn’t properly represented our town in Parliament, and a Labour party in Bootle who time and again put Southport’s interests behind other parts of Sefton. The closed signs on our pier simply illustrate how we have been let down.

Southport used to be known as the jewel of the North West and we need that title back. I am ready to make this my priority by encouraging us to harness our natural advantages and lobbying for things that will spur growth. Making Southport a leader in coastal energy and transforming our transport connections to attract more people to live and work here to revive our local economy are part of my vision for a cleaner, greener and prosperous Southport that we can all feel proud to call home.

This statement was added by Erin Harvey, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Erin Harvey online

The party's candidate page for this person

Sefton Liberal Democrats

Erin Harvey's local party is Sefton Liberal Democrats.

Party Homepage
Sefton Liberal Democrats's website
Sefton Liberal Democrats's email
Youtube page
Sefton Liberal Democrats's Youtube profile

Erin Harvey's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Southport: UK Parliamentary general election Liberal Democrats 5,868 votes (not elected) 4th / 6 candidates
2024 Birkdale: Sefton local election Liberal Democrats 1,357 votes (not elected) 2nd / 4 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

Recent leaflets from Erin Harvey

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