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Maria Wheeler

Maria Wheeler is a Conservative and Unionist Party candidate in Old Stevenage in the Hertfordshire local election.

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Maria Wheeler's policies

Statement to voters

I’ve lived in Old Stevenage with my family for more than 25 years.

Full statement

I’m a businesswoman and I know it’s my time to give back. I can’t just leave it to someone else to take the reins, it would be passing the buck. I am keen to step in and deliver improvements for the residents of Old Town and Symonds Green.

I know I’ve got big shoes to fill. Cllr Graham Lawrence, who is retiring as Old Stevenage’s County Councillor, did a lot to improve the Old Town and Symonds Green. He also ensured that any changes to the High Street were done using common sense and for the benefit of both businesses and residents. I want to build on these successes and make our High Street more inviting.

Somewhere people want to spend a little time either getting their hair cut; some flowers for their beautiful wife or mother; and then in the evening, wining and dining with friends after a hard day’s work.

County Council has a plan to rejuvenate the High Street; to make it a little safer; a place people will want to buy a coffee or have their car repaired.

We, the Conservatives in Hertfordshire County Council, want to do all this but we can’t do so without your vote.

This statement was added by Maria Wheeler, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Maria Wheeler online

Hertfordshire County Council Conservative Group

Maria Wheeler's local party is Hertfordshire County Council Conservative Group .

Party Homepage
Hertfordshire County Council Conservative Group 's website
Hertfordshire County Council Conservative Group 's email
Contact page
Hertfordshire County Council Conservative Group 's contact page

Maria Wheeler's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2025 Old Stevenage: Hertfordshire local election Conservative and Unionist Party (Results due after 01 May 2025) Position not available
2024 Old Town: Stevenage local election Conservative and Unionist Party 504 votes (not elected) 5th / 9 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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