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Nick Taylor

Nick Taylor was a Reform UK candidate in Crome in the Norwich local election. They received 260 votes.

profile photo of Nick Taylor

Nick Taylor's policies

Statement to voters

I’m standing for Reform UK because I want to leave a better country and a better future for my children.

Full statement

This expectation that the next generation should inherit a better world from the previous generation has in the past been a given but now it is very much in doubt. The Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats have all presided over nearly three decades of managed decline of our economy, rapid change to our society and a sustained attack on our values.

Britain deserves much better and Reform UK are the only party offering real change and hope for a better future. The three main parties all believe in mass immigration, big government, high taxes, expensive energy and the woke agenda. Reform UK are the only party to reject this orthodoxy.

I have voted for the Conservatives in ten general elections but never again. Ideologically my position hasn’t changed over the years but the Tories have abandoned me and moved to the left, embracing globalist, corporatist values that I don’t align with. We need to put our country and its people first and that’s what Reform UK are proposing.

I have lived in Norwich for 21 years, I have raised my family here and started a small business here. I don’t need a new career in politics. Frankly I’m busy enough already but some of us have to stand up and put our heads above the parapet. If we want real change, we will have to fight for it. The legions of the liberal elite stand against us. I’m up for the fight. Are you?

This statement was added by Nick Taylor, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Nick Taylor online

The party's candidate page for this person

Reform UK

Nick Taylor's local party is Reform UK.

Party Homepage
Reform UK's website
Youtube page
Reform UK's Youtube profile

Nick Taylor's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Norwich North: UK Parliamentary general election Reform UK 8,229 votes (not elected) 3rd / 6 candidates
2024 Crome: Norwich local election Reform UK 260 votes (not elected) 4th / 5 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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