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Inga Nicholas

Inga Nicholas is a Independent Oxford Alliance candidate in Wolvercote & Cutteslowe in the Oxfordshire local election.

profile photo of Inga Nicholas

Inga Nicholas's policies

Statement to voters

I moved to Oxford in 2017, having lived in Norway, London and Malta.

Full statement

I quickly declared Oxford to be the best place I had ever lived, and swore never to relocate again, giving my children a good and stable upbringing here.

Sadly, over the past few years, this dream has developed cracks, as I have witnessed a gradual decline in both the cityscape and people's innate freedoms. There has been one ill-thought out decision after another by both Oxford City Council and Oxfordshire County Council. Roads have in many places been made inaccessible, resulting in congestion on the ones that remain open. Traffic decisions that affect people's daily lives, and in many cases, livelihoods, are being taken without proper consultations and consideration of consequences. This will only become worse when the Traffic Filters come into effect.

I believe that local government is there to provide tangible services to its people, and not to dictate how they should live their lives. I would like to see an improvement in how elderly social care is run, and an advancement in special needs education.

My hope is that independent candidates, who do not have to follow a party line, can come to the rescue of Oxford and Oxfordshire. With your help, I hope to be one of them, representing the Wolvercote and Cutteslowe division as your Independent Candidate.

This statement was last updated on March 12, 2025.

This statement was added by Inga Nicholas, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

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Inga Nicholas's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2025 Wolvercote & Cutteslowe: Oxfordshire local election Independent Oxford Alliance (Results due after 01 May 2025) Position not available
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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