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Marianne Overton

Marianne Overton is an independent candidate in Greater Lincolnshire Combined County Authority in the Mayor of Greater Lincolnshire Combined County Authority.

profile photo of Marianne Overton

Marianne Overton's policies

Statement to voters

Dear Resident, Thank you for your brilliant support to date.

Full statement

Together we achieve amazing successes.

You have two votes. Let’s have two great champions from the Cliff Villages. Due to family commitments, Catherine is making way for Kay Johnson, who will also do an excellent job.

It matters that you vote. Not voting is simply shooting this community in the foot. North Kesteven District Councillors decide on planning applications and how to support our villages.

Whilst the two big parties are making a mess in Parliament, we can at least do things right here. Let’s have a huge turnout to show that in the Cliff Villages, we care and we count. Let’s be best in the District!

One third of the Councillors are Independent at NKDC, with a very positive impact, focused on what local people need and want. We need more councillors who will fight relentlessly for you and not roll over in front of poor ideas from central government. I am uniquely well placed to do this at local, District and National level. Kay and I are the only two candidates who live in the Cliff Villages. We will make a great team, at your service.

Marianne champions local businesses, our communities and our local environment.

Marianne works for careful planning and against big developments in the wrong place. National Policies such as over 37,000 more dwellings right here in Central Lincolnshire are being forced through by national Party Control and submissive Conservative Party Councillors. We urgently need more good Independents, genuinely putting you, the residents first.

Will the Prime Minister play the same card as two years ago, when she asked us to vote for “her” Councillors to help her get Brexit through? That’s her councillors, not yours or mine!

National voice, local action Action for local health services, GP’s and Grantham New village halls, play areas, improved safety Strong support for you on planning issues Action for better highways and cleaner verges Reducing speed through villages, tackling crime Support for our heritage, Mrs Smith’s Cottage Marianne has also sparked off networks for small businesses, voluntary car schemes and the Wellingore and District U3A.

Outstanding service to our villages as District Councillor

Awarded an honorary fellowship of the University of Lincoln and MBE for services to the community

Working for you nationally as Vice Chairman of Local Government, standing up for Lincolnshire

This statement was last updated on April 6, 2023.

This statement was added by Marianne Overton, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Marianne Overton online


Marianne Overton's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2025 Greater Lincolnshire Combined County Authority: Mayor of Greater Lincolnshire Combined County Authority Independent (Results due after 01 May 2025) Position not available
2023 Navenby & Brant Broughton: North Kesteven local election Lincolnshire Independents Lincolnshire First Elected unopposed Position not available
2021 Bassingham & Welbourn: Lincolnshire local election Lincolnshire Independents Lincolnshire First 1,828 votes (elected) 1st / 3 candidates
2019 Sleaford and North Hykeham: UK Parliamentary general election Lincolnshire Independents Lincolnshire First 1,999 votes (not elected) 4th / 6 candidates
2019 East Midlands: European Parliament (UK) elections Independent Network 7,641 votes (not elected) Joint 27th / 41 candidates
2019 Cliff Villages: North Kesteven local election Lincolnshire Independents Lincolnshire First 1,467 votes (elected) 1st / 3 candidates
2017 Bassingham & Welbourn: Lincolnshire County Council local election Lincolnshire Independents Lincolnshire First 1,952 votes (elected) 1st / 3 candidates
2016 Sleaford and North Hykeham: UK Parliamentary by-election Lincolnshire Independents Lincolnshire First 2,892 votes (not elected) 5th / 10 candidates
2015 Sleaford and North Hykeham: UK Parliamentary general election Lincolnshire Independents Lincolnshire First 3,233 votes (not elected) 5th / 5 candidates
2010 Sleaford and North Hykeham: UK Parliamentary general election Lincolnshire Independents Lincolnshire First 3,806 votes (not elected) 4th / 6 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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