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Matty Courtliff

Matty Courtliff was a Conservative and Unionist Party candidate in Wroughton and Wichelstowe in the Swindon local election. They were elected with 1,026 votes.

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Matty Courtliff's policies

Statement to voters

Dear Fellow Local Resident, It has been a privilege to repesent you since 2016 and I am asking you to re-elect me as your Conservative Councillor on Thursday 6th May.

Full statement

I was first elected on the pledge to protect Lydiard Park and keep it in public hands. I delivered on that pledge, and working with my Conservative colleagues, we have seen more investment made into our Park, including my recent success in securing £28,000 for play park refurbishment.

I also kept my promise to make the Hay Lane crossing safer, with double yellow lines and the introduction of a School Safety Zone.

I have worked to help make West Swindon cleaner and greener, with regular litter picks and sponsoring the Parish wildflower and bulb planting schemes, plus extending hours at the West Swindon Library with the support of our Conservative Parish Council.

As the Council's Armed Forces Champion, I have been supporting our armed forces and veteran families with housing issues and gaining access to council services.

My pledges to you for my next term are to secure even more investment in Lydiard Park, such as better car parks and toilets, and to work with the Council to see more enforcement action on fly tipping and littering. I will also work to get more of our local roads resurfaced and will campaign for accessible playgrounds for children of all abilities.

Please vote for me so that I can carry on delivering on the promises I make to you.

Your sincerely,

Matthew Courtliff

This statement was last updated on May 7, 2021.

This statement was added by Matty Courtliff, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Matty Courtliff online

Swindon Conservatives

Matty Courtliff's local party is Swindon Conservatives.

Party Homepage
Swindon Conservatives's website
Swindon Conservatives's email
Youtube page
Swindon Conservatives's Youtube profile

Matty Courtliff's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Wroughton and Wichelstowe: Swindon local election Conservative and Unionist Party 1,026 votes (elected) 1st / 7 candidates
2021 Lydiard and Freshbrook: Swindon local election Conservative and Unionist Party 1,644 votes (elected) 1st / 5 candidates
2016 Lydiard and Freshbrook: Swindon local election Labour Party 1,421 votes (not elected) 1st / 3 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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