Des Stephens
Des Stephens is a Green Party candidate in Knebworth & Codicote in the Hertfordshire local election.

Des Stephens's policies
Statement to voters
I have been a Green Party member for 10 years. I have in the past been a member of the Labour Party but left because I did not believe that it was following just social and economic policies.
I joined the Green Party when I realised the great significance of climate change to the world and peoples lives. We will not achieve social and economic development without protecting future generations from the chaos of a warming planet.
I am married and retired, both happily.
Vote green, give us a chance.
This statement was last updated on Feb. 21, 2025.
This statement was added by Des Stephens, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.
Des Stephens online
- The party's candidate page for this person
Date | Election | Party | Results | Position |
2025 | Knebworth & Codicote: Hertfordshire local election | Green Party | (Results due after 01 May 2025) | Position not available |
2024 | Royston Heath: North Hertfordshire local election | Green Party | 117 votes (not elected) | 7th / 7 candidates |
2023 | Royston Meridian: North Hertfordshire local election | Green Party | 53 votes (not elected) | 5th / 5 candidates |
2021 | Hitchin Priory: North Hertfordshire local election | Green Party | 233 votes (not elected) | 4th / 5 candidates |
2019 | Weston and Sandon: North Hertfordshire local election | Green Party | 25 votes (not elected) | 3rd / 4 candidates |
2018 | Hitchin Priory: North Hertfordshire local election | Green Party | 123 votes (not elected) | 4th / 4 candidates |
2017 | Hitchin Priory: North Hertfordshire local by-election | Green Party | Not elected (vote count not available) | Position not available |
2016 | Hitchin Priory: North Hertfordshire local election | Green Party | 142 votes (not elected) | 5th / 6 candidates |
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