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Barry Nash

Barry Nash was a Tattenham & Preston Residents candidate in Tattenham Corner & Preston in the Reigate and Banstead local election. They were elected with 1,318 votes.

profile photo of Barry Nash

Barry Nash's policies

Statement to voters

Barry Nash has lived in the borough since 1994 and previously worked in mobile telecoms, before moving into education and charity work, currently supporting disadvantaged teenagers. He is married with two children. Barry’s main concerns are ensuring good health provision and residents feeling safe in the ward, as well as protecting the borough’s parks and open spaces.

This statement was last updated on May 3, 2019.

This statement was added by Barry Nash, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Barry Nash online

The party's candidate page for this person

Tattenham & Preston Residents

Barry Nash's local party is Tattenham & Preston Residents.

Party Homepage
Tattenham & Preston Residents's website

Barry Nash's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Tattenham Corner & Preston: Reigate and Banstead local election Tattenham & Preston Residents 1,318 votes (elected) 2nd / 9 candidates
2019 West Ewell: Epsom and Ewell local election Residents Associations of Epsom and Ewell 967 votes (elected) 3rd / 12 candidates
2017 Epsom West: Surrey County Council local election Residents Associations of Epsom and Ewell Not elected (vote count not available) Position not available
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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