Hywel Williams
Hywel Williams was a Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales candidate in Arfon constituency in the UK Parliamentary general election. They were elected with 13,134 votes.
![profile photo of Hywel Williams](https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/static-candidates.democracyclub.org.uk/media/cache/30/07/300710817ee99a9d208313a20861477c.jpg)
Hywel Williams's policies
Record in office
See this candidate's record on TheyWorkForYou - their speeches, voting history and more
Hywel Williams online
- HywelPlaidCymru
- Home page
- http://www.hywelwilliams.org/
- The party's candidate page for this person
- https://www.partyof.wales/hywel_williams
Date | Election | Party | Results | Position |
2019 | Arfon: UK Parliamentary general election | Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales | 13,134 votes (elected) | 1st / 4 candidates |
2017 | Arfon: UK Parliamentary general election | Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales | 11,519 votes (elected) | 1st / 4 candidates |
2015 | Arfon: UK Parliamentary general election | Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales | 11,790 votes (elected) | 1st / 6 candidates |
2010 | Arfon: UK Parliamentary general election | Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales | 9,383 votes (elected) | 1st / 5 candidates |
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