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Gemma May Louise Moore

Gemma May Louise Moore is a Liberal Democrats candidate in Handside & Peartree in the Hertfordshire local election.

profile photo of Gemma May Louise Moore

Gemma May Louise Moore's policies

Statement to voters

Hatfield is lovely place to live, and since moving to the area from Bushey over 18 months ago I have made some great friends and enjoyed discovering the local area with my family.

Full statement

One of the many benefits of being involved in the local Lib Dem group is that I have spoken to many residents on the doorstep, not just in Hatfield, but across the borough on their experiences of living in the area.

A shared view from across the community is that the home we cherish is looking unloved and has done for some time now. Therefore, my initial focus will be on the following actions:

- Work to improve the local parks and green spaces. As parent who attends the park regularly with my daughter it’s sad to see the paint peeling from the play equipment. - Challenge local maintenance issues, such as litter, graffiti, street lights and road maintenance. - Work to promote more recycling opportunities - Support existing services and help develop more facilities for families and young people - Scrutinise and push for improvements with our housing stock, both council owned and private

I’m deeply aware though of the problems people face beyond the remit of the local borough council, and I promise to champion wider issues people are facing with adult social care and health services.

I currently work in London in a health and safety role for a housing company, and prior to this, I worked in the public sector managing energy efficiency schemes and community based environmental projects for 14 years. I’m currently studying part time with the Open University and I a Mum to wonderful daughter who attends a local primary school in Hatfield.

This statement was last updated on May 6, 2022.

This statement was added by Gemma May Louise Moore, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Gemma May Louise Moore online

Hertfordshire Liberal Democrats

Gemma May Louise Moore's local party is Hertfordshire Liberal Democrats.

Party Homepage
Hertfordshire Liberal Democrats's website
Hertfordshire Liberal Democrats's email

Gemma May Louise Moore's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2025 Handside & Peartree: Hertfordshire local election Liberal Democrats (Results due after 01 May 2025) Position not available
2022 Handside: Welwyn Hatfield local election Liberal Democrats 1,457 votes (elected) 1st / 8 candidates
2021 Handside: Welwyn Hatfield local election Liberal Democrats 1,003 votes (not elected) 2nd / 4 candidates
2019 Hatfield East: Welwyn Hatfield local election Liberal Democrats 467 votes (not elected) 5th / 7 candidates
2018 Hatfield Villages: Welwyn Hatfield local election Liberal Democrats 205 votes (not elected) 6th / 7 candidates
2017 Bushey North: Hertfordshire County Council local election Liberal Democrats Not elected (vote count not available) Position not available
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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