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Harry Hayfield

Harry Hayfield is a Green Party candidate in Tirymynach in the Ceredigion local by-election.

profile photo of Harry Hayfield

Harry Hayfield's policies

Statement to voters

Dear resident Hello there, my name is Harry Hayfield, and I am your Wales Green Party candidate for the community council and county council elections on May 5th, 2022.

Full statement

I am standing for the council because we need to invest in carers and caring in Ceredigion. I was a carer myself for my grandparents for twenty-one years (as they both passed away last year) in both an unofficial and official capacity. The pandemic was one of the most stressful times for me in my entire caring career and as the workload increased, I asked the council time and time again for extra services and was told, “We do not have the facilities to provide that resource”. For a council that has thousands of carers, many of whom live in Llanrhystud, this is awful to hear as a carer. As someone with experience as a carer, I can provide much needed perspective that can change that or reduce that phrase having to be used by the council. By voting for me on May 5th, you will be saying to the council “Carers exist, recognise the fact” and if I am elected to the council, I want to stand up on behalf of the thousands of carers in Ceredigion and those in Llanrhystud as well. Your council tax bills will be coming through your door soon. Did you know that since 1996, council tax in this council area has gone up by almost double, including inflation? For that we should be expecting the council to be sorting out the dog-fouling problem in Llanrhystud, as well as fix the broken lampposts and pavements (something they’re currently not doing). If I’m elected as your councillor, I will push for lowering your council tax, as well as being proactive in reporting problems to the council and fixing them. If elected to the council, I will call for a holiday hunger scheme which will make sure that every school child in the county has a nutritious meal during the school holidays. I also want to call for better investment into the voluntary sector who have helped us during the pandemic, seek to make sure those living in poverty are exempt from the council tax, provide proper temporary housing for those who are homeless instead of putting them in bed and breakfasts and provide rent holidays for community groups I would like to thank you for reading this letter. As someone who is seeking to stand up for carers, for Llanrhystud, for Ceredigion and for common sense, I look forward to seeing you through the campaign and to gaining your support on May 5th. Yours sincerely Harry Hayfield

Annwyl Breswylydd, Helo fy enw i yw Harry Hayfield, a fi yw ymgeisydd eich Plaid Werdd ar gyfer etholidau’r Cyngor Cymuned a’r Cyngor Sir ar y 5ed o Fai, 2022. Rwyf yn sefyll dros y Cyngor oherwydd mae angen I ni fuddsoddi mewn gofalwyr a gofalu yng Ngheredigion. Roeddwn yn ofalwr i fy Mamgu a Thadcu am un mlynedd ar hugain (bu farw y dddau y llynedd) mewn swyddogaeth answyddogol a swyddogol. Roedd y pandemic yn un o’r adegau mwyaf dirdynnol i mi yn fy nghyrfa ofalu gyfan, ac wrth i’r llwyth gwaith gynyddu gofynnais i’r Cyngor dro ar ol tro am wasanaethau ychwanegol a dwedwyd wrthyf “Nid oes gennym y cyfleusterau I ddarparu yr adnodd hwnnw.” Am Gyngor sydd a miloedd o ofalwyr, llawer ohonynt yn byw yn Llanrhystud, mae hyn yn ofnadwy i’w glywed fel gofalwr, gallaf ddarpari perspectif sydd fawr ei angen a all newyd hynny neu lleihau’r ymadrodd y mae’r Cyngor yn ei ddefnyddio. Drwy bleidleisio i mi ar y 5ed o Fai byddwch yn dweud wrth y Cyngor “Mae gofalwyr yn bodoli adnabyddwch y ffaith,” ac os caf fy ethol i’r Cyngor rwyf am sefyll ar ran y miloedd o ofalwyr yng Ngheredigion a Llanrhystud hefyd. Bydd eich biliau treth Cyngor yn dod drwy’r drws cyn bo hir. A oeddech chi’n gwybod ers 1996 fod y dreth Cyngor yn yr ardal hon wedi cynyddu bron i ddwbwl gan gynnwys chwyddiant? Am hynny ddylem fod yn disgwyl i’r Cyngor fod yn datrys y broblem baw ci yn Llanrhystud yn ogystal a’r pyst lampiau a phalmentydd sydd wedi torri (rhywbethh nad ydynt yn eu wneud ar hyn o bryd). Os caf fy ethol yn Gynghorydd, byddaf yn gweithio i ostwng eich treth Cyngor, yn ogystal a bod yn rhagweithiol wrth adrodd problemau i’r Cyngor a’u sortio nhw. Os caf fy ethol i’r Cyngor, byddaf yn galw am gynllun newyn yn ystod y gwyliau a fydd yn gwneud yn siwr bod pob plentyn ysgol yn y Sir yn cael pryd maethlon yn ystod y gwyliau. Rwyf hefyd am alw am fuddsodiadau gwell yn y Sector gwirfoddol, sydd wedi ein helpu yn ystod y pandemic, ceisio gwneud yn siwr bod y rhai sy’n byw mewn tlodi yn cael ei heithrio o’r Dreth Cyngor, yn darparu tai dros dro i’r rhai sydd yn ddigartref yn hytrach na’u rhoi mewn lleoedd Gwely a Brecwast a darparu gwyliau rent I grwpiau cymunedol. Hoffwn ddiolch i chi am ddarllen y llythyr hwn. Fel rhywun sy’n ceisio sefyll dros ofalwyr Llanrhystud, Ceredigion a Synnwyr Cyffredin. Edrychaf ymlaen at eich gweld drwy’r ymgyrch ac at ennill eich cefnogaeth ar y 5ed o Fai, 2022. Yn ddiffuant, Harry Hayfield

This statement was last updated on May 6, 2022.

This statement was added by Harry Hayfield, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Harry Hayfield online

About Harry Hayfield

Favourite Biscuit

Wafer Biscuits

Harry Hayfield's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Tirymynach: Ceredigion local by-election Green Party (Results due after 17 October 2024) Position not available
2022 Llanrhystyd: Ceredigion local election Green Party 64 votes (not elected) 4th / 4 candidates
2021 Ceredigion: Senedd Cymru elections (Constituencies) Green Party 1,356 votes (not elected) 5th / 7 candidates
2021 Mid and West Wales: Senedd Cymru elections (Regions) Green Party Not elected (vote count not available) Position not available
2017 Llansantffraed: Ceredigion County Council local election National Health Action Party 228 votes (not elected) 2nd / 2 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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