Nuala Ann Young
Nuala Ann Young was a Green Party candidate in Hinksey Park in the Oxford local election. They received 337 votes.

Nuala Ann Young's policies
Statement to voters
Nuala Young has lived in the division and ward for which she is candidate for many years.
Full statement
She, like many local people, has seen the wonderful and necessary biodiversity corridor of Oxford being eroded and green spaces and the Green Belt lost to building, little of which has been affordable. She is concerned about the way in which so many parts of the NHS has been contracted out to profit seeking and not necessarily the most able profit-seeking companies. She is also concerned, having taught at many levels in the County, with how our schools will be supported after the challenges of Covid.
This statement was last updated on May 8, 2021.
This statement was added by Nuala Ann Young, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.
Nuala Ann Young online
- The party's candidate page for this person
Oxford City Green Party
Nuala Ann Young's local party is the Oxford City Green Party.
- Party Homepage Oxford City Green Party's website
- Youtube page Oxford City Green Party's Youtube profile
Date | Election | Party | Results | Position |
2024 | Hinksey Park: Oxford local election | Green Party | 337 votes (not elected) | 3rd / 5 candidates |
2021 | Rose Hill & Iffley: Oxford local election | Green Party | 467 votes (not elected) | 3rd / 9 candidates |
2021 | Isis: Oxfordshire local election | Green Party | 734 votes (not elected) | 2nd / 5 candidates |
2017 | St Clement's and Cowley Marsh: Oxfordshire County Council local election | Green Party | 726 votes (not elected) | 2nd / 4 candidates |
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