Mary Karin Marshall
Mary Karin Marshall is a Green Party candidate in Hitchin Rural in the Hertfordshire local election.

Mary Karin Marshall's policies
Statement to voters
Mary has lived in Hitchin for 25 years and works from home for an Employee Owed Company as an IT applications tester and Health and Safety Officer.
Full statement
During her career in IT she has commuted to a variety of places on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, bus and train, giving her a wide experience of local, regional and national transport issues.
A keen community gardener, Mary likes helping to keep Hitchin's Quaker (Friends) Meeting House grounds in central Hitchin tidily wild. Caring for a public open space involves tackling persistent litterers, drug use, vandalism, anti social behaviour and homelessness. Working with neighbouring Churches, local police, charities and councils she helps our community to keep these places safe for everyone to use. Mary also helps at the Triangle Community Garden in Hitchin Bearton ward.
Working from home has allowed her to join in weekly health walks, residents’ meetings, and ringing St Mary's church bells for traditional local event and services.
Worries about safety after watching the first charity Christmas Tractor run promoted her to volunteer for the Marshals team for this fun, noisy, lively event bringing town and country together.
In her words: “If we are to make progress towards a greener, less polluted future we need to do so together. This means listening to each other and acting on these and their concerns”.
This statement was last updated on April 10, 2024.
This statement was added by Mary Karin Marshall, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.
Mary Karin Marshall online
About Mary Karin Marshall
Favourite Biscuit
Golden Oreo
Date | Election | Party | Results | Position |
2025 | Hitchin Rural: Hertfordshire local election | Green Party | (Results due after 01 May 2025) | Position not available |
2024 | Hitchin Bearton: North Hertfordshire local election | Green Party | 502 votes (not elected) | 5th / 16 candidates |
2021 | Hitchin North: Hertfordshire local election | Green Party | 530 votes (not elected) | 3rd / 5 candidates |
2021 | Hitchin Oughton: North Hertfordshire local election | Green Party | 245 votes (not elected) | 3rd / 5 candidates |
2019 | Chesfield: North Hertfordshire local election | Green Party | 220 votes (not elected) | 4th / 4 candidates |
2018 | Hitchin Oughton: North Hertfordshire local election | Green Party | 83 votes (not elected) | 4th / 4 candidates |
2017 | Hitchin Rural: Hertfordshire County Council local election | Green Party | Not elected (vote count not available) | Position not available |
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