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Jane Francesca Russ

Jane Francesca Russ is a Labour Party candidate in Westbury West in the Wiltshire local election.

profile photo of Jane Francesca Russ

Jane Francesca Russ's policies

Statement to voters

Jane Russ has been a hard-working member of Westbury town Council for eight years.

Full statement

Starting in her first year when she was a founder member of the Popcan community group at Penleigh in the Westbury West Ward. She was the first chair of the vision for Westbury sub-committee, the climate emergency sub-committee, vice chairman of policy and resources.

She worked to re-introduce the emergency plan group to support the town if there was a serious problem, while also taking a a prominent role in both the neighbourhood plan committee and the anti-incinerator group. The return of the post office and the banking hub have been supported by her work and her collegiate approach to town council has gained her support from many sides.

When asked what her main driving force, Jane said, "Will it be good for Westbury? Will it improve the town? Will it help make peoples lives better?"

This statement was last updated on March 17, 2025.

This statement was added by Jane Francesca Russ, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

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South West Wiltshire Labour

Jane Francesca Russ's local party is South West Wiltshire Labour.

Party Homepage
South West Wiltshire Labour's website
South West Wiltshire Labour's email

Jane Francesca Russ's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2025 Westbury West: Wiltshire local election Labour Party (Results due after 01 May 2025) Position not available
2021 Westbury West: Wiltshire local election Labour Party 154 votes (not elected) 3rd / 4 candidates
2019 Westbury North: Wiltshire local by-election Labour Party 57 votes (not elected) 4th / 5 candidates
2017 Westbury West: Wiltshire Council local election Labour Party 111 votes (not elected) 4th / 5 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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