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Max Priesemann

Max Priesemann was a Green Party candidate in Badger Farm & Oliver's Battery in the Winchester local election. They received 250 votes.

profile photo of Max Priesemann

Max Priesemann's policies

Statement to voters

I am honoured to be chosen as candidate for this wonderful part of Winchester where I live with my family.

Full statement

Oliver’s Battery, like many other places in the South of Winchester, is a great community close to the countryside. People here worry about the pollution of our rivers, litter in our countryside, air pollution and noise as well as the light pollution from the nearby M3 compound.

I pledge to protect our beautiful countryside from ever increasing threats from unwanted developments like the application for a new industrial and retail estate at the former Bushfield Camp. This plan will harm the area that had been left alone for many decades. We will lose wonderful views and important habitats and it will create an extra 4000+ daily car journeys along Badger Farm Road.

Winchester needs to be much smarter when planning new developments! I propose: - Only build what the community needs. (No to posh overpriced houses that normal people can’t afford.) - Develop only on real brownfield sites near the city centre - Connect housing, public services, work and retail planning for communities (avoid sleeping ghettos) - Get the infrastructure right: Harvest rainwater, Build sufficient sewage treatment works - Stop sealing off surfaces that will increase flooding

I have been a campaigner to improve accessibility of Badger Farm Road junctions for many years but current councillors have not achieved any improvements.

I want to see more and better bus connections connecting Hursley, Compton, Olivers Battery and Shawford with Winchester reliably so that we don’t have to rely on our cars all the time.

This statement was last updated on April 10, 2024.

This statement was added by Max Priesemann, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Max Priesemann online

Winchester Green Party

Max Priesemann's local party is the Winchester Green Party.

Party Homepage
Winchester Green Party's website
Winchester Green Party's email
Contact page
Winchester Green Party's contact page
Youtube page
Winchester Green Party's Youtube profile

Max Priesemann's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Badger Farm & Oliver's Battery: Winchester local election Green Party 250 votes (not elected) 3rd / 4 candidates
2023 Badger Farm & Oliver's Battery: Winchester local election Green Party 193 votes (not elected) 3rd / 5 candidates
2022 Badger Farm & Oliver's Battery: Winchester local election Green Party 183 votes (not elected) 3rd / 4 candidates
2021 Winchester Downlands: Hampshire local election Green Party 531 votes (not elected) 3rd / 4 candidates
2021 Badger Farm & Oliver's Battery: Winchester local election Green Party 232 votes (not elected) 3rd / 4 candidates
2019 Badger Farm & Oliver's Battery: Winchester local election Green Party 279 votes (not elected) 3rd / 4 candidates
2018 Badger Farm & Oliver's Battery: Winchester local election Green Party 151 votes (not elected) 3rd / 4 candidates
2017 Winchester Downlands: Hampshire County Council local election Green Party 289 votes (not elected) 4th / 4 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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