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David Kaplan

David Kaplan is a Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition candidate in St Ann's in the Haringey local by-election.

profile photo of David Kaplan

David Kaplan's policies

Statement to voters

Let’s turn Jeremy Corbyn’s words against austerity into action in Haringey! TUSC candidates are trade unionists, anti-cuts campaigners and Socialist Party members.

Full statement

We support Jeremy Corbyn and his anti-austerity manifesto, and we will work alongside any Haringey Labour councillor who wants to put those ideas into practice in Haringey Town Hall.

There has been a change inside Haringey Labour Party. Now there is a chance to fight for a no-cuts council that ends the cuts and privatisation that has blighted Haringey for years. But Seven Sisters Labour candidates are right-wing, pro-austerity candidates who will carry on with Tory cuts and privatisation.


We will fight to: Stop all cuts to council services and jobs Reverse cuts to youth services & reopen youth centres Refuse to increase council tax, rent or service charges to make up for government cuts Stop privatisation & bring services back in-house Save Osborne Grove, Haringey’s last remaining publicly-owned nursing home Stop redevelopment of Wards Corner without social housing and safeguarding the ‘Latin American Corner’ local businesses Stop the privatisation of Ermine Community Hub in Seven Sisters for adults with learning disabilities and autism Build a mass campaign involving trade unions, anti-HDV and anti-austerity campaigns to claw back the £155m taken from Haringey by central government.


DAVID KAPLAN has lived in Haringey for 18 years. He stood as a TUSC candidate in the 2014 local elections in Haringey. He has taught in local secondary schools for 15 years during which time he has campaigned against academisation and cuts in local jobs and services.

This statement was last updated on May 2, 2018.

This statement was added by David Kaplan, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

David Kaplan online

David Kaplan's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2025 St Ann's: Haringey local by-election Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (Results due after 10 April 2025) Position not available
2018 Seven Sisters: Haringey local election Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 118 votes (not elected) 15th / 15 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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