Rae Cather
Rae Cather was a Green Party candidate in Witney Central in the West Oxfordshire local election. They received 93 votes.

Rae Cather's policies
Statement to voters
Rae Cather has enjoyed being a Witney resident since 1984 and a member of the Green Party for almost twenty years, she has been a teacher in mainstream and special schools but is now retired and since has been an active community member, developing a fair-trade project and contributing to looking after the local environment.
Full statement
The Green Party appeals to Rae because of its longstanding commitment to environmental, economic and social justice; it is the only Party setting realistic goals about the work that needs to done in order to protect our young and our planet. Locally, we must face up to the truths of how we live impacting on our earth, water and air. Rae has been supporting Windrush Against Sewage Pollution since it was launched, this highlights a crisis with serious local impacts due to longstanding government policy of selling our precious resources for capital investment. Rae is passionate for Witney to continue to improve its Active Travel facilities, essential for residents improved mental and physical health and air quality.
Having grown up on a farm, Rae is very concerned about the direction of our mass food production and the future of the agriculture industry. She has arranged public events on these issues and will continue to do so. Climate Change is our wakeup call, evident in West Oxfordshire by floods and inconsistent harvests. Addressing these concerns and their impact on our community would be at the forefront of her mind if she becomes elected to West Oxfordshire District Council.
This statement was last updated on April 24, 2022.
This statement was added by Rae Cather, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.
Rae Cather online
- The party's candidate page for this person
- https://www.westoxon-greens.uk/2024_candidates.html#WitneyCentral
Oxfordshire Green Party
Rae Cather's local party is the Oxfordshire Green Party.
- Party Homepage Oxfordshire Green Party's website
- Youtube page Oxfordshire Green Party's Youtube profile
Date | Election | Party | Results | Position |
2024 | Witney Central: West Oxfordshire local election | Green Party | 93 votes (not elected) | 4th / 4 candidates |
2022 | Ducklington: West Oxfordshire local election | Green Party | 88 votes (not elected) | 3rd / 3 candidates |
2021 | Witney South: West Oxfordshire local election | Green Party | 164 votes (not elected) | 3rd / 5 candidates |
2019 | Witney South: West Oxfordshire local election | Green Party | 228 votes (not elected) | 3rd / 4 candidates |
2018 | Witney South: West Oxfordshire local election | Green Party | 134 votes (not elected) | 3rd / 4 candidates |
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