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Festus Akinbusoye

Festus Akinbusoye was the Conservative and Unionist Party candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire. They received 35,688 votes.

profile photo of Festus Akinbusoye

Festus Akinbusoye's policies

Statement to voters

Since being elected in May 2021 as PCC, I have delivered the highest ever number of police officers in the history of Bedfordshire Police, an overall reduction in crime, and a rating as ‘Outstanding’ by HM Inspectorate.

Full statement

Furthermore, a record £4.3million of drugs seized by Bedfordshire police and more than 400 years of prison sentences secured against organised criminal gangs.

On neighbourhood crime, thanks to the investment I have made into community policing, we now have 20% more officers in our rural and community police unit than we had when I was elected. This has resulted in a reduction in neighbourhood crime meaning and Bedfordshire ranked as having the 11th lowest crime rate out of 43 forces in England and Wales.

All this progress did not happen by accident or coincidence.

Under our previous Labour PCC, Bedfordshire Police was rated as one of the worst performing police forces; now under my watch we are one of the best. But there is more to do.

If privileged to be re-elected, I will build on the success of the last three years. I will prioritise a no-nonsense approach to neighbourhood crime, solving more crimes, and better use of technology to make policing work better for you.

We cannot afford to put at risk the progress of the last three years. As a former Special Constable with recent frontline experience of policing our county; I have the track record of getting things done, and a plan to keep improving our police force. A vote for me will be a vote for MORE POLICE, LESS CRIME and SAFER STREETS. Vote Festus Akinbusoye on Thursday 2 May.

Prepared by Marc Frost (Election Agent) on behalf of Festus Akinbusoye (Candidate) both of NBCA, St Andrew’s St, Biggleswade SG18 8BA.

This statement was last updated on April 19, 2024.

This statement was added by Festus Akinbusoye, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Festus Akinbusoye online

About Festus Akinbusoye


Festus Kehinde Akinbusoye is a British Conservative Party politician who was the Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner from 2021 to 2024. He was the first black Briton to serve as a police and crime commissioner.

Read more on Wikipedia

Festus Akinbusoye's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Bedfordshire Police: Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire Conservative and Unionist Party 35,688 votes (not elected) 2nd / 4 candidates
2023 Mid Bedfordshire: UK Parliamentary by-election Conservative and Unionist Party 12,680 votes (not elected) 2nd / 13 candidates
2021 Bedfordshire Police: Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire Conservative and Unionist Party We do not collect voting data for Supplementary Vote elections. Position not available
2015 West Ham: UK Parliamentary general election Conservative and Unionist Party 8,146 votes (not elected) 2nd / 7 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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