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Peter Kyle

Peter Kyle was a Labour Party candidate in Hove and Portslade constituency in the UK Parliamentary general election. They were elected with 27,209 votes.

profile photo of Peter Kyle

Peter Kyle's policies

Statement to voters

Since being elected in 2015, I hope you can see that I'm focused on making our area better in the way you want: in education, fighting police cuts, investing in our trains, the climate crisis, helping small business and protecting our NHS. I will always give a voice to our community when it matters most -- I care about the future of Hove and Portslade and I will stand by my record of fighting for you and what's best for us all.

This statement was last updated on June 2, 2024.

This statement was added by Peter Kyle, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Record in office

See this candidate's record on TheyWorkForYou - their speeches, voting history and more

Peter Kyle online

The party's candidate page for this person

Peter Kyle's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Hove and Portslade: UK Parliamentary general election Labour Party 27,209 votes (elected) 1st / 6 candidates
2019 Hove: UK Parliamentary general election Labour Party 32,876 votes (elected) 1st / 7 candidates
2017 Hove: UK Parliamentary general election Labour Party 36,942 votes (elected) 1st / 5 candidates
2015 Hove: UK Parliamentary general election Labour Party 22,082 votes (elected) 1st / 8 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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