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Alex Sobel

Alex Sobel was a Labour and Co-operative Party candidate in Leeds Central and Headingley constituency in the UK Parliamentary general election. They were elected with 15,853 votes.

profile photo of Alex Sobel

Alex Sobel's policies

Statement to voters

I have lived most of my life in Leeds.

Full statement

I was born here, on the University Campus. My family moved south when I was young, when Thatcher’s cuts forced them to chase jobs wherever they could. But I chose to return to Leeds as a student, and moved to Headingley. I studied Information Systems at the University of Leeds and was elected as the Full Time Finance Officer of Leeds University Union in my final year.

I joined the Labour Party in 1997, and have been an activist ever since. I joined the party because of its ideals of equality and social justice, and I remain committed to those ideals. I have been active at every level of the party and am currently a Councillor for Meanwood and Moortown areas of Leeds.

I am married to Susan. We met whilst we were both working at the University of Leeds. Susan worked in the Welfare Office of Leeds University Union and I worked as the Community Relations Officer of the University. We have two boys, Jakob and Zachary. Jakob attends a local community primary school and Zac is at a Leeds City Council Children’s Centre. Susan is Debt Manager at St Vincent Support Centre, supporting some of the most vulnerable people in Leeds. We live in Weetwood Ward off Monkbridge Road.

I have worked as a Community Development Worker in Hyde Park, Headingley and Weetwood, and other areas of the City. I was a member of a succesful team which put together the bid for Leeds’ largest Surestart Scheme - for Little London, Woodhouse and Meanwood. This was a crucial step in helping to establish the Surestart programme here in Leeds. I have also helped to establish and develop many new community organisations all over the City.

I now work with social enterprises, supporting groups and individuals to set up social enterprises and running the regional body Social Enterprise Yorkshire and the Humber representing social enterprises and co-operatives. I am very proud of the part I’ve been able to play in establishing more than 200 co-operatives and social enterprises across Yorkshire, and in helping them to grow and develop.

I was elected to Leeds City Council for Moortown and Meanwood in May 2012. In that role I have been active in many local campaigns and achieved improvements in the environment and services for local people bringing in traffic calming schemes and helping secure the first new park in North Leeds for over 50 years.

I am deeply committed to Leeds and its people, and to the Labour Party and its ideals. I am standing for election in Leeds North West because I believe those ideals have the answers to the problems people here face, and because I want to put my experience and commitment to work for local residents.

This statement was last updated on Dec. 27, 2019.

This statement was added by Alex Sobel, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Record in office

See this candidate's record on TheyWorkForYou - their speeches, voting history and more

Alex Sobel online

The party's candidate page for this person

Alex Sobel's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Leeds Central and Headingley: UK Parliamentary general election Labour and Co-operative Party 15,853 votes (elected) 1st / 8 candidates
2019 Leeds North West: UK Parliamentary general election Labour and Co-operative Party 23,971 votes (elected) 1st / 5 candidates
2017 Leeds North West: UK Parliamentary general election Labour and Co-operative Party 20,416 votes (elected) 1st / 4 candidates
2016 Moortown: Leeds local election Labour and Co-operative Party 3,517 votes (not elected) 1st / 5 candidates
2015 Leeds North West: UK Parliamentary general election Labour Party 13,041 votes (not elected) 2nd / 8 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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