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Máirtín Ó Muilleoir

Máirtín Ó Muilleoir was a Sinn Féin candidate in Belfast South constituency in the UK Parliamentary general election. They received 7,143 votes.

profile photo of Máirtín Ó Muilleoir

Máirtín Ó Muilleoir's policies

Statement to voters

Máirtín Ó Muilleoir is a publisher, entrepreneur and civic leader who sits sits in the Stormont Assembly as the Sinn Féin representative for South Belfast.

Full statement

He is the Sinn Féin candidate for the Westminster election scheduled for May 2015. A tireless advocate for the new and resurgent Belfast, he has launched a series of initiatives designed to showcase the very best of the city including the Aisling Awards.

He is chairman of the Belfast Media Group and publisher of the Irish Echo in New York. An Irish speaker, he believes strongly in the promotion of culture as the bedrock of successful and diverse communities.

A keen supporter of the arts, he curated the 2012 ‘Tears in Rain’ exhibition of conflict-related art which was accompanied by an essay of the same name published by the Golden Thread Gallery. His latest project was Homecoming, an invitation to the global Irish Diaspora to connect, engage and invest in Belfast. He is Host of the 2015 Belfast Homecoming/An Teacht Abhaile which will take place from 23-26 September.

He served as Lord Mayor of Belfast from June 2013-June 2014. Among his awards in 2014 are the Community Relations Council Award for Civic Leadership, the PRIDE Festival Award for Best Political Contribution to the LGBT Community, and the Ancient Order of Hibernians of America JFK Medal, their highest honour.

In October, he was named a Paul Harris Fellow by Rotary International for “the furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among peoples”.

A graduate of Queen’s University Belfast, he is married to Helen O’Hare and the couple have four children. Máirtín is a keen marathoner.

He writes weekly column for the Belfast Media Group titles and maintains a Twitter feed at @newbelfast

This statement was last updated on March 20, 2022.

This statement was added by Máirtín Ó Muilleoir, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Record in office

See this candidate's record on TheyWorkForYou - their speeches, voting history and more

Máirtín Ó Muilleoir online

The party's candidate page for this person

Máirtín Ó Muilleoir's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2017 Belfast South: UK Parliamentary general election Sinn Féin 7,143 votes (not elected) 4th / 7 candidates
2017 Belfast South: Northern Ireland Assembly Election Sinn Féin Elected (vote count not available) Position not available
2016 Belfast South: Northern Ireland Assembly Election Sinn Féin Elected (vote count not available) Position not available
2015 Belfast South: UK Parliamentary general election Sinn Féin 5,402 votes (not elected) 4th / 9 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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