Rosanna Newey
Rosanna Newey was a Green Party candidate in Bevois in the Southampton local election. They received 214 votes.

Rosanna Newey's policies
Statement to voters
"Rosanna grew up in Hampshire and has lived in Southampton for just over four years, with a 14-month gap in-between to live in London to work for the Green Party MP Caroline Lucas in her Parliamentary office.
Full statement
She studied History at the University of Exeter (based at the Cornwall Campus) where she learnt economic history and the importance of social movements, and now works at the University of Southampton, where she commutes by foot and uses public transportation to get around the city.
She believes that a properly funded public transportation network and pedestrianisation of cities are vital in order to improve both air quality and the lives of residents, but also that more pressure needs to be put on large corporations responsible for polluting the planet. If elected as Councillor, Rosanna would focus on addressing air quality, traffic congestion and homelessness by pushing for improved cycling infrastructure and public transportation as a real alternative to taking a car and emergency accommodation with more social homes that people can realistically afford."
This statement was added by Rosanna Newey, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.
Rosanna Newey online
Southampton Green Party
Rosanna Newey's local party is the Southampton Green Party.
- Party Homepage Southampton Green Party's website
- Contact page Southampton Green Party's contact page
- Youtube page Southampton Green Party's Youtube profile
Date | Election | Party | Results | Position |
2024 | Bevois: Southampton local election | Green Party | 214 votes (not elected) | 3rd / 5 candidates |
2023 | Bevois: Southampton local election | Green Party | 430 votes (not elected) | 4th / 11 candidates |
2022 | Peartree: Southampton local election | Green Party | 169 votes (not elected) | 4th / 5 candidates |
2021 | Peartree: Southampton local election | Green Party | 193 votes (not elected) | 3rd / 5 candidates |
2019 | Peartree: Southampton local election | Green Party | 261 votes (not elected) | 4th / 5 candidates |
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