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Henry David Wright

Henry David Wright was a Liberal Democrats candidate in Abbey in the Reading local election. They received 177 votes.

profile photo of Henry David Wright

Henry David Wright's policies

Statement to voters

I was born right here in Reading Central, in the Royal Berkshire Hospital, and grew up in Spencers Wood.

Full statement

Like you, I’m tired of feeling that Britain just doesn’t work any more.

After leaving to study Computer Science at university, I returned during the Covid-19 pandemic to train as a teacher at the University of Reading. I now live here in central Reading, and proudly work for the local NHS in digital services, having previously worked as a civil servant and consultant.

I see first-hand, through my work in the NHS, the disastrous state the country is in - so I’m standing for Parliament to do something about it. Fixing our NHS, our economy and our country won’t be easy, but with your help, we can get our town the fair deal we know it deserves.

This statement was last updated on May 23, 2024.

This statement was added by Henry David Wright, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Henry David Wright online

The party's candidate page for this person

About Henry David Wright

Favourite Biscuit

chocolate digestive every time

Reading Liberal Democrats

Henry David Wright's local party is Reading Liberal Democrats.

Party Homepage
Reading Liberal Democrats's website
Reading Liberal Democrats's email
Youtube page
Reading Liberal Democrats's Youtube profile

Henry David Wright's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Reading Central: UK Parliamentary general election Liberal Democrats 3,963 votes (not elected) 4th / 7 candidates
2024 Abbey: Reading local election Liberal Democrats 177 votes (not elected) 4th / 4 candidates
2023 Park: Reading local election Liberal Democrats 57 votes (not elected) 8th / 8 candidates
2019 Cherry Hinton: Cambridge local election Liberal Democrats 464 votes (not elected) 2nd / 4 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

Recent leaflets from Henry David Wright

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