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Vivienne Windle

Vivienne Windle was a Labour and Co-operative Party candidate in Banister & Polygon in the Southampton local election. They were elected with 1,006 votes.

profile photo of Vivienne Windle

Vivienne Windle's policies

Statement to voters

The issues Viv cares about in Freemantle include housing standards, clean air and educational opportunities.

Full statement

Viv says: ‘From my experience and knowledge as a parliamentary researcher, I know how important it is to campaign for resources to be allocated to the local area and I am very committed to putting people’s health top of the list for resources. ‘That’s why I am so enthusiastic about Labour’s work on air pollution which will particularly improve living in Freemantle.’ If elected my priorities would be:
• Enforcement of the licensing scheme for Houses of Multiple Occupancy (HMOs) to stop incidents like fires endangering tenants’ well being
• Working with local business owners and residents to increase the police presence on local streets
• Provision of more secondary school places across the city
Supporting Labour’s ‘Green City Charter’ to get cleaner air for Freemantle.

This statement was last updated on May 15, 2023.

This statement was added by Vivienne Windle, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Vivienne Windle online

The party's candidate page for this person

Southampton & Romsey Labour

Vivienne Windle's local party is Southampton & Romsey Labour.

Party Homepage
Southampton & Romsey Labour's website
Youtube page
Southampton & Romsey Labour's Youtube profile

Vivienne Windle's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Banister & Polygon: Southampton local election Labour and Co-operative Party 1,006 votes (elected) 1st / 5 candidates
2023 Banister & Polygon: Southampton local election Labour Party 1,145 votes (elected) 3rd / 11 candidates
2019 Freemantle: Southampton local election Labour Party 1,503 votes (elected) 1st / 4 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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