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Christopher James Halliday

Christopher James Halliday was a Conservative and Unionist Party candidate in Brooklands in the Trafford local election. They received 1,184 votes.

profile photo of Christopher James Halliday

Christopher James Halliday's policies

Statement to voters

On May 2nd you have a chance to shape the future of Trafford Council.

Full statement

I'm committed to stand up for Brooklands residents like you, addressing the pressing local issues such as road repairs, school placements, flooding, and much more.

Brooklands is a great area, full of wonderful people, but it is being let down by a lack of interest from the council. Labour is taking Brooklands for granted and have hiked your council tax by 32% for little discernible benefit.

The state of the roads continues to deteriorate, with Trafford being amongst the worst in the country for potholes - Labour are failing to get the basics done on cleaning the drains and fixing the roads. Instead, our Labour Councillors have taken your money to award themselves a 40% pay rise.

When not filling their pockets, Labour is wasting your tax money on ridiculous gimmicks, blocking off resident streets, building unwanted cycle lanes or constructing the infamous Stretford sun loungers. There is a better way.

If elected, I promise to advocate for the Brooklands community by delivering your priorities:

- Campaign for more school places: Every local child deserves access to our outstanding schools. I'll fight for increased placements to prevent any child from missing out or being forced to travel out of area.

- Road Repairs: I'll push for efficient pothole fixes, utilising cost-effective methods employed successfully elsewhere, and dealing with the consistently blocked drains that are forever flooding our streets.

- Cracking down on anti-social behaviour: People deserve to feel safe in their community. I promise to tackle fly-tipping and littering. I will campaign for the streetlamps to be undimmed to deter burglary and allow people to feel safe walking in the evenings.

This Local Election you have a choice, between more Labour neglect, or a local representative that will make sure that Brooklands gets its fair share.

Your vote is your chance to make your voice heard, and to can send a message to a complacent Labour council which is failing to address key critical issues. Your support in the upcoming election is crucial. It will empower me to represent Brooklands, champion your concerns, and devote myself to enacting significant improvements for our remarkable community.

Brooklands is a head-to-head battle between Labour and Conservatives – this is your chance to change the status quo and reverse the last 6 years of decline.

Let's make a difference for future generations !

This statement was last updated on April 30, 2024.

This statement was added by Christopher James Halliday, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Christopher James Halliday online

About Christopher James Halliday

Favourite Biscuit

Chocolate Caramel Digestive

Trafford Conservatives

Christopher James Halliday's local party is Trafford Conservatives.

Party Homepage
Trafford Conservatives's website
Trafford Conservatives's email
Youtube page
Trafford Conservatives's Youtube profile

Christopher James Halliday's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Brooklands: Trafford local election Conservative and Unionist Party 1,184 votes (not elected) 2nd / 5 candidates
2023 Sale Moor: Trafford local election Conservative and Unionist Party 689 votes (not elected) 5th / 10 candidates
2022 Sale Moor: Trafford local election Conservative and Unionist Party 830 votes (not elected) 2nd / 4 candidates
2021 Clifford: Trafford local election Conservative and Unionist Party 254 votes (not elected) 3rd / 4 candidates
2019 Chorlton Park: Manchester local election Conservative and Unionist Party 269 votes (not elected) 4th / 4 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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