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Clare Elizabeth Hales

Clare Elizabeth Hales was a Green Party candidate in Clayton West & Cuerden in the Chorley local election. They received 167 votes.

profile photo of Clare Elizabeth Hales

Clare Elizabeth Hales's policies

Statement to voters

Clare lives in Clayton Le Woods with her young family.

Full statement

She is a former teacher and enjoys engaging in community efforts. She believes strongly that the area needs better provision of services, such as school places and access to dental care, to accommodate the ever-growing population. Clare would be an articulate voice against the overdevelopment of our area and hold the council accountable for the decisions they make. When will they think enough houses is enough?

She would also like to see a properly maintained Christmas tree planted on the green in Clayton Brook, and one across from Lidl, so no money is wasted on a new tree each year and it will grow bigger and more of a spectacle each year.

This statement was added by Clare Elizabeth Hales, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Clare Elizabeth Hales online

Chorley Green Party

Clare Elizabeth Hales's local party is the Chorley Green Party.

Party Homepage
Chorley Green Party's website
Chorley Green Party's email
Contact page
Chorley Green Party's contact page
Youtube page
Chorley Green Party's Youtube profile

Clare Elizabeth Hales's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Clayton West & Cuerden: Chorley local election Green Party 167 votes (not elected) 3rd / 4 candidates
2023 Clayton West & Cuerden: Chorley local election Green Party 202 votes (not elected) 3rd / 4 candidates
2022 Clayton West & Cuerden: Chorley local election Green Party 243 votes (not elected) 3rd / 3 candidates
2021 Clayton West & Cuerden: Chorley local election Green Party 379 votes (not elected) 7th / 10 candidates
2021 Hoghton with Wheelton: Lancashire local election Green Party 415 votes (not elected) 3rd / 4 candidates
2019 Pendle: UK Parliamentary general election Green Party 678 votes (not elected) 4th / 5 candidates
2019 Hapton with Park: Burnley local election Green Party 297 votes (not elected) 3rd / 4 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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