Howard Mordue
Howard Mordue is a Conservative and Unionist Party candidate in Buckingham in the Buckinghamshire local election.

Howard Mordue's policies
Statement to voters
Cllr Howard Mordue has been Mayor of Buckingham on two separate occasions and campaigns tirelessly to engage with residents and businesses.
Full statement
Joining AVDC in 2011 he has held Cabinet portfolios for Leisure and Finance. During his period on the Cabinet he encouraged the setting up of Parkrun in Buckingham, persuaded AVDC to invest £2.6 million in the Swan Pool and secured the funding of the improvements to Cornwall’s Meadow car park. His commitment to Buckingham is seen in the many local charities he supports including BACAB/Citizens Advice Bureau, Swan Community Hub and as chair of the Buckingham Christmas Parade. He is Chairman of Buckingham U3A and a presenter for them on 3Bs Community Radio. He is also chair of the Buckingham and villages Community Board, which has helped projects in Buckingham and Villages, and Deputy Chair of North Bucks Planning Committee.
This statement was last updated on Feb. 24, 2025.
This statement was added by Howard Mordue, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.
Howard Mordue online
Mid Bucks and Buckingham & Bletchley Conservatives
Howard Mordue's local party is Mid Bucks and Buckingham & Bletchley Conservatives.
- Party Homepage Mid Bucks and Buckingham & Bletchley Conservatives's website
Date | Election | Party | Results | Position |
2025 | Buckingham: Buckinghamshire local election | Conservative and Unionist Party | (Results due after 01 May 2025) | Position not available |
2021 | Buckingham East: Buckinghamshire local election | Conservative and Unionist Party | 1,226 votes (elected) | 2nd / 14 candidates |
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