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Stephen John Barry-Stanners

Stephen John Barry-Stanners was a Labour and Co-operative Party candidate in Lemington in the Newcastle upon Tyne local election. They were elected with 1,018 votes.

profile photo of Stephen John Barry-Stanners

Stephen John Barry-Stanners's policies

Statement to voters

Growing up in a nearby former pit village, Stephen developed a strong sense of community which continues to motivate him today.

Full statement

He is a passionate campaigner, helping to organise regular litter picks around the area and has experience chairing a local ‘In Bloom’ group. He is also a former parish Councillor and Chair of the parish council before moving to Newcastle in 2020.

Stephen is a member-director of a Co-operative business and helped arrange for them to supply tea and coffee to local foodbanks. He has also arranged for the company to supply and fund fairtrade coffee mornings in the area, including working with the Newcastle Fairtrade Partnership, of which he is the Vice Chair.

Stephen is also a director of the Newcastle Community Asset Trust, which helps to support and regenerate communities by keeping public buildings and assets in local hands so that communities continue to have access to spaces and opportunities whilst generating income to help develop the local area.

Alongside this work, Stephen continues to work with Cllr Barry Philipson to identify and resolve local issues by regularly speaking to local residents and picking up casework whilst walking around the area. Stephen and Barry would love to hear from you regarding any issues.

This statement was last updated on May 5, 2023.

This statement was added by Stephen John Barry-Stanners, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Stephen John Barry-Stanners online

About Stephen John Barry-Stanners

Favourite Biscuit

Jammy Dodger

Newcastle Labour

Stephen John Barry-Stanners's local party is Newcastle Labour.

Party Homepage
Newcastle Labour's website
Newcastle Labour's email
Youtube page
Newcastle Labour's Youtube profile

Stephen John Barry-Stanners's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Lemington: Newcastle upon Tyne local election Labour and Co-operative Party 1,018 votes (elected) 1st / 5 candidates
2023 Lemington: Newcastle upon Tyne local election Labour and Co-operative Party 918 votes (not elected) 2nd / 5 candidates
2022 Manor Park: Newcastle upon Tyne local election Labour and Co-operative Party 930 votes (not elected) 2nd / 4 candidates
2021 Manor Park: Newcastle upon Tyne local election Labour and Co-operative Party 860 votes (not elected) 2nd / 5 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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