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Edward Apostolides

Edward Apostolides was a Reform UK candidate in Shortlands & Park Langley in the Bromley local by-election. They received 417 votes.

profile photo of Edward Apostolides

Edward Apostolides's policies

Statement to voters

I am honoured to stand as a candidate for Reform UK in the constituency I have called home for nearly three decades.

Full statement

Beckenham & Penge is a vibrant and diverse community, encompassing residents from all walks of life. I am deeply committed to ensuring that every voice is heard - a right that has significantly diminished over the past two decades under successive Conservative and Labour governments.

Having experienced life as a single parent, small business owner, and taxpayer, I believe my background reflects the experiences of many in our community. This enables me to more realistically articulate the interests and concerns of the constituents I wish to represent.

The decline we have all witnessed is profoundly troubling. Unsustainable mass immigration, the economic strain caused by soaring taxes and the exorbitant rise in the cost of food, housing & energy bills. Declining public services with millions languishing on NHS waiting lists, in some cases for years not to mention the almost impossibility of getting a face to face with a GP, to the absurd wokeism that has infected our institutions including our Police, schools & universities.

On top of this we have the nonsensical blind charge towards a completely foolhardy and impossible to achieve net zero target. This will only serve to impoverish the most vulnerable in society and make our nation poorer and less productive.

The challenges we face are severe and urgent.

Politicians of the two main Party’s have proven over many, many decades to be arrogant, inept, out of touch, blatantly dishonest and ultimately dismissive of the wishes of the British public to be trusted any longer. In short I believe we have all been taken for fools for far too long and it’s about time we said enough!

Reform UK is the only Party to offer common sense policies based on the needs of the people rather than on ridiculous virtue signalling ideologies that have no meaning whatsoever to the vast majority of British citizens

This statement was last updated on June 8, 2024.

This statement was added by Edward Apostolides, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Edward Apostolides online

The party's candidate page for this person

Reform UK

Edward Apostolides's local party is Reform UK.

Party Homepage
Reform UK's website
Youtube page
Reform UK's Youtube profile

Edward Apostolides's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Beckenham and Penge: UK Parliamentary general election Reform UK 5,355 votes (not elected) 3rd / 5 candidates
2024 Shortlands & Park Langley: Bromley local by-election Reform UK 417 votes (not elected) 4th / 6 candidates
2022 Shortlands & Park Langley: Bromley local election Reform UK 156 votes (not elected) 10th / 10 candidates
2021 London Assembly: London Assembly elections (Additional) Reform UK Not elected (vote count not available) Position not available
2021 Greenwich and Lewisham: London Assembly elections (Constituencies) Reform UK 3,689 votes (not elected) 5th / 6 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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