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Daniel Mark Russell

Daniel Mark Russell was a Green Party candidate in Wrenthorpe and Outwood West in the Wakefield local election. They received 191 votes.

profile photo of Daniel Mark Russell

Daniel Mark Russell's policies

Statement to voters

Hi, I’m Dan, a Maths Teacher who’s lived in Wakefield for over 7 years now.

Full statement

Born and raised in Leeds, I’ve spent time in Hull, and New Zealand, before settling in Wakefield with my girlfriend. I am a keen football, rugby league and cricket fan, and like to keep active with walking, running, swimming and cycling.

I have become increasingly aware of the responsibility we all have to take what action we can to save our communities, and the planet, from reaching a critical point of no return. I am keen to take what steps I can as an individual to lessen my ‘footprint’, such as; eating a plant based diet, minimising new purchases in favour of second hand, recycling everything suitable, thinking consciously before buying anything, and making eco based swaps around the home as and when needed.

I joined the Green Party because I wanted my politics to be honest, well intentioned, and fighting the good fight for the community, and for the sake of the planet.

In Wakefield and the Five Towns, there is a wide scope for improvements to existing plans, and limiting the environmental impact we all feel in our communities. A Green Councillor would hold the Labour majority Council to account on the climate emergency declared. We would work to increase the delivery of clean green renewable energy, and work together with local transport suppliers to improve city wide provision.

This statement was last updated on April 15, 2023.

This statement was added by Daniel Mark Russell, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Daniel Mark Russell online

The party's candidate page for this person

Wakefield Green Party

Daniel Mark Russell's local party is the Wakefield Green Party.

Party Homepage
Wakefield Green Party's website
Wakefield Green Party's email
Contact page
Wakefield Green Party's contact page
Youtube page
Wakefield Green Party's Youtube profile

Daniel Mark Russell's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Wrenthorpe and Outwood West: Wakefield local election Green Party 191 votes (not elected) 6th / 7 candidates
2023 Wakefield North: Wakefield local election Green Party 224 votes (not elected) 3rd / 5 candidates
2022 Wakefield North: Wakefield local election Green Party 199 votes (not elected) 4th / 5 candidates
2021 Airedale and Ferry Fryston: Wakefield local election Green Party 120 votes (not elected) 8th / 8 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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