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Lara Davenport-Ray

Lara Davenport-Ray is a Green Party candidate in St Neots East & Gransden in the Cambridgeshire local election.

profile photo of Lara Davenport-Ray

Lara Davenport-Ray's policies

Statement to voters

Lara works for a charity providing free debt advice to St Neots residents.

Full statement

She is the chair of Love’s Farm Community Association, a Governor of Round House School and a Trustee of Love’s Farm House.

Over the past three years, Lara has witnessed an outpouring of community spirit. Throughout the pandemic, we looked after each other with amazing compassion. Lara believes that we should not let these great strides in human kindness go to waste. Local politicians should make decisions for the common good, leading by example with the same compassion that they would show to a neighbour in need.

Lara believes we need local representatives that consider the well-being of future generations. Political and economic decisions we make now have serious impacts on the environment that we leave behind.

Lara believes that every citizen should be valued and heard. Therefore, she has pledged to support the introduction of Universal Basic Income pilot schemes. She also advocates for electoral reform through Proportional Representation.

Although our community needs more affordable housing, Lara believes that these demands should be carefully balanced with environmental and economic impact. Only the most sustainable materials should be used and the highest levels of energy efficiency enforced. Our community will only remain economically sustainable if the development of schools, GP surgeries, public transport and local amenities keep pace with the swift development of housing.

Public transportation links throughout St Neots East are also important to Lara. The loss of our X5 bus service has proved detrimental to local workers, students and shoppers commuting to Cambridge and Cambourne. We need stopping services as well as a fast service.

Lara is proud to be your Green Party Candidate to represent St Neots East on Huntingdonshire District Council.

This statement was last updated on May 6, 2022.

This statement was added by Lara Davenport-Ray, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Lara Davenport-Ray online

About Lara Davenport-Ray

Favourite Biscuit

Dark chocolate digestives

Cambridge and South Cambridge Green Party

Lara Davenport-Ray's local party is the Cambridge and South Cambridge Green Party.

Party Homepage
Cambridge and South Cambridge Green Party's website
Cambridge and South Cambridge Green Party's email
Contact page
Cambridge and South Cambridge Green Party's contact page

Lara Davenport-Ray's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2025 St Neots East & Gransden: Cambridgeshire local election Green Party (Results due after 01 May 2025) Position not available
2022 St Neots East: Huntingdonshire local election Green Party 772 votes (elected) 1st / 4 candidates
2021 St Neots East: Huntingdonshire local by-election Green Party 196 votes (not elected) 2nd / 5 candidates
2021 St Neots East & Gransden: Cambridgeshire local election Green Party 240 votes (not elected) 3rd / 4 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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