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Karl Albert Newton

Karl Albert Newton is a Labour Party candidate in Penn, Tylers Green & Loudwater in the Buckinghamshire local election.

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Karl Albert Newton's policies

Statement to voters

I have lived in Wycombe since the 1990s where I raised a family, with both children educated at local state schools.

Full statement

I’ve worked in the charity and university sector for over 25 years and understand the value of education and ensuring that everyone’s children go to properly funded and fully resourced schools. I believe it is essential that any new housing developments are both affordable and meet our environmental and transport needs.

Commuting to London for over a quarter of a century has hammered into me the importance of good and reliable transport links by bus, rail and road. Travelling, especially in the dark, is made more dangerous with the number of potholes, and more time consuming with the sporadic way in which they are repaired. This is something I will help to fix.

It is important too that our pavements, cycleways and woodland paths are properly maintained so they are safe to use. Accessibility is important for all whether you are walking in the countryside, pushing a pram, riding a bike, jogging at night, driving a mobility scooter, dashing for a bus, or walking to the shop. I will work to ensure our paths are useable, maintained, and extended, with a link to the Buckinghamshire Greenway which currently bypasses much of our area.

This statement was last updated on Feb. 3, 2025.

This statement was added by Karl Albert Newton, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Karl Albert Newton online

The party's candidate page for this person

Buckingham Labour Party

Karl Albert Newton's local party is the Buckingham Labour Party.

Party Homepage
Buckingham Labour Party's website

Karl Albert Newton's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2025 Penn, Tylers Green & Loudwater: Buckinghamshire local election Labour Party (Results due after 01 May 2025) Position not available
2021 Terriers and Amersham Hill: Buckinghamshire local election Labour Party 617 votes (not elected) 9th / 14 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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