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Sara Jane Trebar

Sara Jane Trebar was a Labour Party candidate in Vicarage in the Watford Borough Council. They received 907 votes.

profile photo of Sara Jane Trebar

Sara Jane Trebar's policies

Statement to voters

Sara Jane is a well known  member of the community.

Full statement

  She has lived in Vicarage for 15 years and her 3 children go to school locally. Sara Jane is a hard working campaigner. She was the spokeswoman for the Save Farm Terrace Allotments fight. She believes that all green local area should be protected. Sara Jane worked with County Councillor Nigel Bell to get the footpath on Vicarage Road resurfaced, alongside councillor Jagtar Dhindsa Singh shegot New trees planted in the ward and works regularly with Councillor Nasreen Shah on local issues. Sara Jane is replacing Councillor Mo Mills who is retiring. Like Mo, Sara Jane cares deeply about her community and will work hard to protect it.

This statement was added by Sara Jane Trebar, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Sara Jane Trebar online

The party's candidate page for this person

About Sara Jane Trebar

Favourite Biscuit

Chocolate Digestive

Watford Labour

Sara Jane Trebar's local party is Watford Labour.

Party Homepage
Watford Labour's website
Youtube page
Watford Labour's Youtube profile

Sara Jane Trebar's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Vicarage: Watford Borough Council Labour Party 907 votes (not elected) 2nd / 4 candidates
2021 Vicarage: Watford Borough Council Labour Party 1,061 votes (elected) 1st / 3 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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