Ray Hitchins
Ray Hitchins was a Green Party candidate in Headington in the Oxford local election. They received 163 votes.

Ray Hitchins's policies
Statement to voters
My name is Ray Hitchins and I have lived in Headington for 20 years, working at the John Radcliffe hospital for much of that time.
Full statement
I am deeply committed to a publicly funded NHS and feel very lucky to work for such a fantastic public service.
Headington is a lovely place to live and work – but it could be even better. When elected I will:
- Work to support and encourage local shops, businesses and the Farmer’s Market on Saturday
- Work to promote Greener transport; by encouraging safer cycling and walking and improve the local bus routes to the North of the city.
- Work to preserve and improve our Green Spaces
I believe there is a need for a Green voice to be heard against the Labour party domination of the City council. I believe that I have the knowledge and commitment to our local community to be a good local councillor, and I would always listen to your concerns and ideas.
This statement was last updated on May 5, 2022.
This statement was added by Ray Hitchins, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.
Ray Hitchins online
- The party's candidate page for this person
- https://www.greenoxfordshire.com/ray_hitchins
Oxford City Green Party
Ray Hitchins's local party is the Oxford City Green Party.
- Party Homepage Oxford City Green Party's website
- Youtube page Oxford City Green Party's Youtube profile
Date | Election | Party | Results | Position |
2024 | Headington: Oxford local election | Green Party | 163 votes (not elected) | 4th / 5 candidates |
2022 | Headington: Oxford local election | Green Party | 141 votes (not elected) | 4th / 5 candidates |
2021 | Headington: Oxford local election | Green Party | 237 votes (not elected) | 5th / 8 candidates |
2021 | Headington and Quarry: Oxfordshire local election | Green Party | 294 votes (not elected) | 4th / 4 candidates |
2018 | Headington: Oxford local by-election | Green Party | 66 votes (not elected) | 4th / 4 candidates |
2018 | Headington: Oxford local election | Green Party | 100 votes (not elected) | 4th / 4 candidates |
2016 | Barton and Sandhills: Oxford local election | Green Party | 82 votes (not elected) | 6th / 6 candidates |
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