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Paul James Patrick Nolan

Paul James Patrick Nolan was a Conservative and Unionist Party candidate in Coxford in the Southampton local election. They received 1,016 votes.

profile photo of Paul James Patrick Nolan

Paul James Patrick Nolan's policies

Statement to voters

On May 2nd 2024 I am the only candidate on the Coxford ballot paper with a published address within Coxford Ward.

Full statement

Last May Labour won a massive majority on the council & as predicted they have abused the trust that voters put in them. Their wasteful spending has brought the council to the edge of bankruptcy. Whilst this was narrowly avoided by a £121M bailout from the government, if they don’t have a plan in place in just 5 months time the council will go bankrupt. We have seen this happen in Labour Birmingham, which resulted in a Council Tax rise of over 20%. We now know that Labour in Southampton tried to hike up Council Tax by 15% this year & only didn’t because the government blocked them.

Labour’s obsession with shutting roads & making life difficult for motorists is causing gridlock in the City. We’ll have major city centre routes shut all the way through the summer. Labour have also cut spending to road repairs and slashed fully funded plans for more parking spaces across the City. Let’s not even mention the neglected crumbling, weed & rubbish strewn mess our streets & pavements have become under Labour...

Labour can’t even collect the bins on time after their arrogantly imposed & mismanaged staffing changes have meant that bins across Aldermoor, Coxford, Lordshill and Lordswood are almost always collected late. Meanwhile they are charging more Council Tax, more tennant rents, more parking fees & other charges - basically milking us all for as much money as they can to fund their pet projects! Local Conservatives showed when we ran the council in 2021/22 that it doesn’t need to be like this. We resurfaced record numbers of roads & pavements, blitzed potholes, attracted millions in investment into the city, froze Council Tax and Tennant rents & delivered an £11M underspend on the Council’s budget, showing it is possible to give you value for money!

When Labour tried to shut the restaurant at the Erskine Court extra care home in Sutherland Road & told disabled people they could live off vending machines & takeaways, It was Southampton Conservatives who supported a successful campaign to force a Labour U-Turn. Meanwhile the Labour Councillors for Coxford sit in silence & nod through all of Labour’s madcap schemes.

We desperately need a strong opposition to Labour in Coxford Ward. If I am elected I will be able to stand up for local residents like you. A long term Coxford Ward resident, not only making sure City wide decisions work properly for our area, but ensuring you are kept informed of what is happening.

This statement was last updated on April 6, 2024.

This statement was added by Paul James Patrick Nolan, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Paul James Patrick Nolan online

Southampton Conservatives

Paul James Patrick Nolan's local party is Southampton Conservatives.

Party Homepage
Southampton Conservatives's website
Southampton Conservatives's email
Youtube page
Southampton Conservatives's Youtube profile

Paul James Patrick Nolan's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Coxford: Southampton local election Conservative and Unionist Party 1,016 votes (not elected) 2nd / 6 candidates
2023 Coxford: Southampton local election Conservative and Unionist Party 774 votes (not elected) 5th / 19 candidates
2023 Coxford: Southampton local election Conservative and Unionist Party (election cancelled) Position not available
2022 Coxford: Southampton local election Conservative and Unionist Party 1,338 votes (not elected) 2nd / 5 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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