Raj Forhad
was the Reform UK candidate for Barnet and Camden constituency in the London Assembly elections (Constituencies). They received 7,703 votes.

Raj Forhad's policies
Statement to voters
Who is Raj Forhad? From a very early age, I have always had the great dream and vision to work for the general people and to be their voice wherever I live.
Full statement
I have been married to Shahana for over 12 years and we have two children - Zayan and Arash.
As a highly skilled legal migrant, I had gone through a tough, roller coaster journey. I have been respecting the laws and contributing high taxes in the UK.
I spent all of my money to complete my MSc at the University of Central Lancashire. When I left Preston, Lancashire with a £1 Mega bus ticket ride in 2011, I only had £5 in my pocket.
I always have great dedication and an innovative mindset to do something better for my life and the community. I have been been endorsed as an Exceptional Talent by Tech Nation, UK (https://technation.io/ ) because of my significant contribution to the UK Digital Sector, after competing thousands high profiles with many years of working experiences in IT including many PhD holders from the top universities around the world in UK's Exceptional Talent competition, probably I am the first and last Bangladeshi Exceptional Talent, and through Tier 1 Exceptional Talent and High Skilled migrant routes I became a British citizen.
Now, I have been working as an Enterprise Architect Consultant for Tier 1 banks in the UK. I also run a few small businesses.
I have been in politics from the age of nine in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and campaigned, joined marches and road shows for the Bangladesh Nationalist Party-BNP.
I stood as a Councillor Candidate at Chadwell ward, Redbridge from the Conservatives party in May, 2022 local election.
My Social and Political Activities
Campaigns against ULEZ https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0HEN8w2FD4jkuVWw5tsYrSQt8C7nqKo4scvLkGCrhSg7vsTY6JJ9M3jt6NPUuVL42l&id=100095272804110
Campaigning on Kids’ Live Matter https://www.facebook.com/raj.forhad/posts/pfbid025jnD4mFssTAvMbzgmy5j21UrbpD7FLCLAEw1HMAZL5YKRdpmPVafMNJxUC1coVtBl and wrote article https://www.facebook.com/raj.forhad/posts/pfbid02uXrqMr48qbZH2hSwvMjF2DB4bUd7Kihgz8GSpugy5uE4c2s4v6Y5HBogjJxRLRZzl
Fund organiser on various social causes https://www.facebook.com/SaveSylhetOfficial/posts/pfbid0HB87gzR8DgW9mRZofAWG27rxr6VUGKR3wc4eKrjXyst6XbtGPwnbHYUSKRmyifzYl , https://www.facebook.com/donate/715907146748183 https://www.facebook.com/donate/414547489950089
Tech meet-up group "Code Skill Buddy - Learn to Code Get a Tech Job" organiser with 3500+ members and I have been conducting many free workshops and helped many to learn, grow and get tech jobs. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=340798139712255 https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=502010687130254 https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=369127730212629 https://www.facebook.com/codeskillbuddy/videos/337774083347994
Why am I standing as an MP Candidate with Reform UK?
The Britain I used to know has broken - broken in many sectors by both Conservatives and Labour parties.
Current politics by Conservatives, Labour, LibDem are not fit for the people and the country. They have run out of ideas, lack the determination to get the UK back on track and work for the working class people.
The immense challenges are ahead and except Reform UK, no other party has any Common Sense solutions to "Make Britain Great Again"!
I want to reshape and reform the UK, and get it back on track.
Rishi Sunak and all other Conservative PMs for the last 13 years have shown poor leadership. Recently, they have failed to work on the mandate given by the general people in 2019 and in previous general elections. Their policies and laws have brought devastating impacts on hard working people, businesses.
I am standing as an Prospective Parliamentary Candidate at Ilford South Constituency in Redbridge with Reform UK on behalf of the residents because like many of you I am frustrated, worried, tremendously concern about the current situations in Ilford South, Redbridge as:
Inflation is super high,
Mortgage rates are hitting the hard working people,
ULEZ introduction is hitting many of you,
Crimes are in high rates,
Residents safety is at critical conditions,
Women going out on roads day or night - do not feel safe any more,
Anti-social behaviors are in rocket-high,
Small businesses are suffering,
People are struggling with GP and hospital appointments,
Green spaces in Ilford South, Redbridge are vanishing month by month,
Parents are not getting proper support and education for their children,
Roads are dirty, full of potholes,
Young generations are not getting the right jobs nor getting paid enough with their gained degrees or experiences,
and many other local issues
I strongly believe Ilford South constituency residents deserve a modern, beautiful and lawful constituency under a strong, visionary MP’s leadership. I will work day and night to solve your issues if I am elected by your valuable mandates at the next General Election.
My main pledges are to
Scrap ULEZ, ditch LTNs and 20mph zones
Cut crimes on knife, anti-social behavior, women’s safety and others
Invest more to build affordable housing
Invest more to support local businesses
Invest more and provide better public services applying modern technology (AI) driven solutions to have efficient policing, NHS GP and hospital appointments and other services
Invest more to support the most vulnerable residents in Redbridge
Bring policies and strategies to provide more jobs with higher salary for the young generations and their hard working families
Invest and build world class university in Redbridge
Invest and build more grammar schools for both boys and girls
Upgrade schools from Good to Outstanding
Invest more to protect green spaces
Invest to provide free mobile gyms for young generation and financially insolvent residents
Invest to provide free mobile learning hubs for the residents
Being a working class person and working on various community issues for many years, I understand general people and their issues, challenges. I will ensure Ilford South residents' voices are being heard at Westminster.
I will be working day and night with your issues. You will always get an appropriate answer on your issues over email or call within an hour.
This statement was last updated on June 8, 2024.
This statement was added by Raj Forhad, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.
Raj Forhad online
- The party's candidate page for this person
- https://www.reformparty.uk/ilford-south-constituency
- raj.forhad@reformuk.com
Reform UK
Raj Forhad is a Reform UK candidate.
- Party Homepage Reform UK's website
Date | Election | Party | Results | Position |
2024 | Wanstead Park: Redbridge local by-election | Reform UK | 95 votes (not elected) | 6th / 6 candidates |
2024 | Ilford South: UK Parliamentary general election | Reform UK | 2,329 votes (not elected) | 5th / 8 candidates |
2024 | London Assembly: London Assembly elections (Additional) | Reform UK | Not elected (vote count not available) | Position not available |
2024 | Barnet and Camden: London Assembly elections (Constituencies) | Reform UK | 7,703 votes (not elected) | 5th / 6 candidates |
2022 | Chadwell: Redbridge local election | Conservative and Unionist Party | 741 votes (not elected) | 6th / 7 candidates |
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